Saturday, August 31, 2019
Leadership in Criminal Justice Organizations Essay
The criminal justice organization is composed of law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Law enforcement, courts, and correction each have a significant role within law enforcement. It takes a great leader to manage and deal with all of the issues within the criminal justice organization. This paper will describe the challenges currently faced by leaders of criminal justice organizations. It will also provide steps that one can take as a criminal justice or security professional to affect change for the future. The leaders of criminal justice organizations are faced with many challenges on a daily basis. Some of these challenges include noble cause corruption, communication skills, conflict and power, legal and political challenges, and shortage of help. According to â€Å"Ethics in Policing†(n.d.), noble cause corruption in policing is defined as â€Å"corruption committed in the name of good ends, corruption that happens when police officers care too much about their wor k. It is corruption committed in order to get the bad guys off the streets†¦the corruption of police power, when officers do bad things because they believe that the outcomes will be good†(Noble Cause Corruption). Some examples of noble cause corruption include falsifying or planting evidence, committing perjury court, writing incorrect information on police reports, and abusing police authority. Ensuring that employees are trained properly can help prevent corruption. The court system, police and corrections have a special language or dialect that they use within that specific organization. Different jargon amongst these criminal justice organizations can create miscommunication between the manager and the employee. Duelin (n.d.), â€Å"leaders need to be effective communicators to handle these challenges†(para. What are the Challenges with Leading Groups in Criminal Justice Organizations?) Management needs to make sure that their employees know what their job is an d what is expected of them (Duelin, n.d.). Police officers are in charge for investigating and arresting persons charged with crime, while the court system decides whether or not a punishment should be imposed. If a person is convicted, the court system also decides what that punishment it. Punishment can come in the form of community service probation, jail, or prison. The court system and law enforcement do not always agree on the type of punishment that should be carried out. Duelin (n.d.), â€Å"For example, the police often seek to remove offenders from the streets, while the courts may feel it is best to rehabilitate the offender within the community. The police, courts, and prisons wield a substantial amount of power with these responsibilities. Leadership for these criminal justice agencies must balance this power with fairness†(para. What are the Challenges with Leading Groups in Criminal Justice Organizations?). Police are required to enforce laws and arrest anyone who breaks them. The court system role is to make sure that the individual’s rights are not violated in any way. Politics can have a major effect on criminal cases. An election year can lead to a number of changes in the criminal justice organization. Different judges, sheriffs, or district attorneys may be elected. All leaders and employees of law enforcement and judicial system need to stay informed of any laws that may have changed. One must be aware of political alliances at all times. Political alliances can jeopardize the outcome of a trial (Duelin, n.d.). Many organizations across the United States have been dealing with the issue of budget cuts. Budget cuts can be the result of financial cuts from the city or state or if a citizen is elected into a new position. As the population increases, so does crime. Budget cuts can eliminate necessary jobs that are needed to help keep society safe. Eliminating jobs causes an increase in the amount of work for the remaining employees left. Increasing the workload, in turn can create fatigue and stress. Employees are not able to do their job efficiently if they are overwhelmed with work. With new employees taking over their positions, comes new budgets to adhere to. One has to remain knowledgeable of all new rules, regulations, and budget cuts when someone new is elected into office. As times change, so should the way we manage the criminal justice system. The Criminal justice system must stay advance in order to prevent crime and protect society. There are many steps that one can take as a criminal justice or security professional to affect change for the future. Over the past decade, technology has advanced greatly in the criminal justice system. Every organization should have the same technology. Different versions of computer programs make it difficult for states and federal organizations to communicate effectively. Sometimes information is not up to date or it may take a while for a different organization to retrieve the information. It would be beneficial to all if every organization had access to the same computer software. For example, criminal justice organizations can improve sex offender communication. Often times, sex offenders fall between the cracks of the system. They are not monitored correctly and fail to register on the sex offenders list. Sometimes, these offenders work for jobs that are a clear violation of their release. If every state and organization had the same software or technology available these offenders can be monitored closely. It is important that all employees and leaders undergo training every year. Ethics and moral standards should be the main focus of team workshops and classes. It is important that all employees maintain a certain level of respect for the law and society. Employees should also undergo psychological examines. Sometimes in the line of duty an officer may see something traumatic or have some type of trauma. This can have a detrimental effect on an officers’ mind. The officer may not feel comfortable asking for help; therefore, psychological examines can show what areas are of major concern for that particular individual. There should be a balance between private and public security. Public and private security partnerships are vital resources for law enforcement today. â€Å"Law enforcement agencies posses the legal authority and training to enforce the law. Carter (2007), â€Å"Private industry, with approximately triple the personnel resources of the law enforcement community, is more advanced in the use of technology to prevent and detect crime and is uniquely able to address certain crimes, such as workplace violence or computer crimes (para. Public-Private Partnerships: Vital Resources for Law Enforcement).†By combining public and private security, the security of the United States will be heightened. Protecting our borders is a main concern for the United States particularly when it pertains to drug trafficking. Drugs are a major problem in the United States. In 2010, 51 percent of federal inmates were in prison for a drug offense (Klein, 2013). Drugs are often times the main reason people rob or kill others. Prisons should focus more on rehabilitation than punishment. By placing more emphasis on rehab programs, daily support groups, and work placement programs, offenders can overcome their addiction. The United States may not be able to eliminate drugs from entering the country; however, the amount of drugs entering the country can be significantly reduced. A few ways that can help prevent drug trafficking include increasing the amount of border control agents, creating a task force whose main priority is to locate underground tunnels that cartels use for trafficking drugs, and build a wall to divide Mexico and the United States. Many critics will argue that legalizing marijuana can also decrease drug trafficking into the U.S. While other critics argue that even if marijuana is legalized it only creates an opportunity for other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and prescription drugs to enter the country. Even though California allowed the prescription of marijuana to some of its citizens, it had no effect on drug trafficking from Mexico because the majority of marijuana is entered through Texas and Arizona. Overall, there is not any scientific evidence that would conclude that it will either increase nor decrease the amount of drug trafficking. McKinney (2008), â€Å"in a criminal justice organization, leadership is essential to the success of the goals of the organization†(para. Modern Leadership Theories in Criminal Justice). To be a great leader one must acknowledge the issue and create ways to solve the problem at hand. Effective communication, training, and advance technology can help overcome some of the major challenges that leadership often deals with on a daily basis. References Ethics in Policing. (n.d.). Retrieved from corruption.asp Klein, E.. (2013, August 13). Wonkbook: 11 Facts about America’s Prison Population. The Washington Post . Retrieved from Duelin, D. (n.d.). Ehow. Retrieved from Carter, J.C. (2007). The Police Chief . Retrieved from McKinney, C. (2008). Yahoo Voices. Retrieved from leadership-theories-criminal-justice-1338251.html
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ethics in Advertisements
Ethics in advertisements Advertisement is the process of communicating the most persuasive selling message possible, to the right potential consumer of products or services at the right time and place, at least possible cost. Advertisement acts as a communicating bridge between producer and consumer. With industrialization and expansion of market access, importance of advertising is steadily on the increase in modern society. Advertising, using media as its vehicle, is a pervasive, powerful force shaping attitudes and behavior in today's world. At times it goes beyond the traditional role of ‘fair and truthful’ information and portraits obscene, undesirable and unethical scenes giving a detrimental result especially on the young population of the society. The article have talked about various types of unethical advertisements like advertisements endorsed by children, surrogate advertising, false and misleading advertisements etc. This article also talks about few advertisements which are ethical. The ethical aspect of Indian advertisement is extremely important for restoration of our Indian culture, norms, ethics and heritage. Introduction: Ethics: Ethics have always been an important aspect of every business activity, although the term has meant different things at different times in different lands to different people. Nonetheless, as ethical concerns are an inseparable element of business, advertising cannot ignore them. Sadly, the advertising industry has rarely cared to look beyond immediate marketing objectives. The argument in the industry is that it is the government's job to judge what is right and what is wrong. Shirking its own responsibility for regulation, the industry has belittled business values and agencies have harmed their balance sheets. For any business, customer is very important, and businessman attempt to communicate to all their target customers using means of communication like advertising and sales promotion. Advertising is a very powerful and most commonly used tool. Definition of ethics in advertising: The term ethics in business involves â€Å"morality, organisational ethics and professional deontology†(Isaac, cited in Bergadaa', 2007). Every industry has its own guidelines for the ethical requirements. However, the principal four requirements for marketing communications are to be legal, decent, honest and truthful. Unfortunately, in a society where the course of action of the companies is determined by profit targets the use of marketing communications messages â€Å"may constitute a form of social pollution through the potentially damaging and unintended effects it may have on consumer decision making†(Hackley and Kitchen, 1999). Benefits of advertising Communication The organization has to attract the customer and crededate a market for its products. For this purpose, advertising is the most powerful and widely used tool for communicating message regarding products/services to a large target audience. To raise the standard of living In our developing economy, adverting with its micro and macro level influences, exerts vast and varied influences that have played key role in raising the standards of physical and material well being of the Indian society. To make market competitive In India, one finds many innovations being introduced which has changed the market structure from seller's market, and thus the result is more competitive market conditions. Product differentiation It is a fact that advertising brings about products variety through real and psychological product differentiation. Critical evaluation of advertising Though many benefits are achieved through advertisements, the ad message is becoming more and more exaggerated. To achieve competitive advantage, advertising magnifies unimportant differences, resorts to clever, tricky product promises, and claims more and more unbelievable benefits. The customer finds many advertisements as false, deceptive, or misleading. Consumers are uncertain regarding whether or not the performance of a product purchased will in fact meet their needs. If they find that the product lacks in quality, advantage, durability etc. , as advertised they might not buy it again, and develop an aversion to every other product of that company. Unethical advertising Advertisement is considered unethical in the following situations; When it has degraded or underestimated the substitute or rival's product. When it gives false or misleading information on the value of the product. When it fails to give useful information on the possible reaction or side effects of the product. When it is immoral. Ways of misleading the consumers: Many a time, traders entice the customers into their stores by advertising goods at a very low price, but they stock only a handful of such sale items in the store. When the advertised goods are sold out, consumers are steered towards the higher-priced stock or lower quality goods. Sale offer should be for a limited period. Advertisement should declare that sale offer is for a limited time period. The period of the offer should be made clear in the advertisement only when the advertised goods are available for a limited period or stocks are limited. Traders often offer insignificant price reduction. To illustrate, a trader may advertise that the price of product is reduced to Rs. 99. 95, when the normal selling price is Rs. 100. The trader must include the normal selling price and discounted price in his offer . The trader sale offer is misleading if the trader claims the product is below cost, when the price is not below cost after discounts, rebates and other allowances it is misleading if the trader simply shows a fictitious higher price as normal selling price in the advertisement. Advertisement must clearly indicate the total price of goods or services. All price comparison must be truthful and must not intentionally or unintentionally mislead the consumers. Under the Fair Trade Practices Act, retailers have an obligation to ensure that they do not mislead or make false representations to customers with respect to price of the goods. The consumers who shop around and compare the prices of various products are less likely to be deceived by misleading claims consumers should also be aware of what is a reasonable price of goods and not take any advertised discounts at face value. While many sales are legitimate or genuine, the consumers should not get attracted to such sales offers i. e. , â€Å"Hurry†¦ very few days remain for sale†. The consumers should be aware of what to expect when retailers place items on sale and how to avoid being misled by discount advertisements. A marketer should take care to ensure that when goods or services are advertised to be available at a discount or as being on sale, it is a genuine discount or sale. Categories of advertisements: Personal ethics Business ethics Human values Societal ethics Personal ethics: Advertisements which shows impact on personal feelings and relations are divided into two categories viz. , ads which convey personal ethics and which do not. Advertisements which convey personal ethics are: HDFC life insurance: This ad tells about personal relationship between father and his daughter. Surf Excel: This ad conveys the student’s affection towards his teacher. Advertisements which do not convey personal ethics are: Mentos: This ad shows declining respect of a student towards his teacher. Close up: This ad degrades the value of friendship. Business ethics: Advertisements which follow the business rules and values are divided into two categories viz. , ads which follow business ethics and which do not. Advertisements which follow business ethics are: Clinic all clear: This ad follows business ethics by only promoting its product. Horlicks: This ad promotes its product by exhibiting its product. Advertisements which do not follow business ethics: Adwars which come under this category are: Coke vs pepsi Rin vs tide Human Values : Advertisements which shows human nature, cultureand behavior are divided into two categories viz. , ads which convey human values and which do not. Advertisements which convey human values are: Airtel: This ad features its promotions by showing the importance of togetherness. Fair and lovely: This ad shows the importance of human values. Advertisements which do not convey human values are: Dairy milk silk: This ad features its promotion by degrading the importance of culture Fair and lovely: This ad shows the impact of beauty on culture Societal ethics : Advertisements which shows responsibilities towards society are divided into two categories viz. , ads which convey societal ethics and which do not. Advertisements which convey societal ethics are: Tata tea : This ad shows the need of public participation and importance of politician towards society Pulser mania : This ad mainly concentrates on promoting itself rather than safety Idea : This partly conveys societal ethics but donot concentrate on the applicability of it There are many other advertisements which show concern towards the society. Some of them are: Aircel, which has taken an initiative to save our national animal by the campaign â€Å"save our tigers†Conclusion: Reputable companies and advertising agencies avoid telling lies. They realize the cost of being caught. A dent in trust can prove to be much costlier than the failure of an ad campaign or for that matter, even a brand. The challenge before advertisers and agencies is to ensure that ads reflect our values. We must endeavor to see that â€Å"advertising†does not remain a dirty word.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Australian case Modbury Triangle Shopping Centre Pty Ltd v Anzil
This case was heard by the High Court of Australia. In this case, the respondent was successful during the trial. Similarly, the responder proved to be successful when the Full Court of Supreme Court of South Australia heard the appeal. Under these circumstances, Modbury Triangle Shopping Center made an appeal to the High Court of Australia. The facts of this case can be briefly described as follows. In this case, the appellant, Modbury owned a shopping center. On the other hand, Mr. Anzil, the respondent was hired by a video store that had leased premises in the center. In front of the weekly shop there was a large outdoor parking for the center. The car park was owned by the shopping center, Modbury. The video store remained open until 10 PM in the night and after that time the lights of the car park were automatically switched off. In this case, the respondent was leaving his workplace at 10:30 PM on a Sunday night and the lights of the car park were turned off. Subsequently, the respondent was attacked by three unidentified persons. One of the assailants had a baseball bat and the respondent suffered serious injuries. According to the lease agreement, the lighting in the common areas like the parking area was provided. According to the discretion of the appellant had a part of the cost was paid by the tenant. Earlier, almost 2 years ago, the practice was to let the lights on at the 11 PM. Later on, a request was made by the co-manager of the video store that the lights should be allowed in the 10:15 PM but just ended and nearly 12 months before the attack, the practice was adopted to switch off the lights at 10 PM. Under these circumstances, the proprietor of the shopping center was sued by the plaintiff in negligence for his failure to exercise reasonable care and switching off the lights in the car park. In this way, the case was related with the liability of the occupier for the criminal conduct of a third party. Therefore the main issue in this case was to decide if and when a person can be held liable towards another person for a duty to take reasonable care for controlling the conduct of the third party.[1] In this case, although it was argued by the appellant that the attack could have been prevented if better lighting was present in the car park, but the majority of the judges were quite skeptical of this claim. Therefore, it appears that mainly the case was conducted on the issue if the risk of injury was created or increased by the defendant due to poor lighting. It was pointed out by the court that in this case, the claim of the building was not based on the physical conditions in the car parking (for example that he had tripped over due to bad lighting). Instead, the claim in the present case was based on the third party's deliberate criminal actions. Therefore the issue in this case was related with the liability of the defendant for an omission, particularly the liability of the defendant regarding the criminal actions of third party. It was decided by the majority of these days that Modbury, as the occupier of the premises, had a duty which did not extend to take precautions fo r preventing the physical injury was to the plaintiff by criminals. In order to decide if the occupiers had a did you get towards the persons who entered their land, the proximity test needs to be applied. In case of this test, physical proximity, circumstantial proximity and casual proximity is involved. Apart from it, under such circumstances, another test that can be used is the three stages test.[2] The three stages in this regard are if the damage suffered by the plaintiff can be described as reasonably foreseeable, if the relationship that existed between the plaintiff and defendant can be described as sufficiently proximate and if so, can it be described as fair, just and reasonable under the circumstances to impose the duty of care on the defendant. The questions that need to be asked for the purpose of deciding if there has been a breach of the required standard of care include the question if it was foreseeable, if the risk was not insignificant and if any other reasonable person would have taken the precautions under similar circumstances in which the defendant was. There are other relevant factors that also need to be considered like if the cost involved in taking the precautions would have considerably increased the cost of energy. It was also claimed by the apparent than an occupier of land is not how a duty of care, which requires the occupier to take reasonable care for preventing physical injury to the plaintiff that may be caused as a result of the criminal behavior of a third-party.[3] Therefore in the present case also, the occupier did not have any control over the actions of the attackers or on the circumstances under which the attack took place. The general rule that can be applied in the present situation is that the person does not have a duty to control the other person to prevent such person from causing damage to a third person. Generally for the purpose of occupier's liability, the duty of care in negligence regarding the physical condition of the premises arises as a result of the power that the occupier had to control the persons who enter or remain on the land and also the power of the occupiers to control the state of land. Moreover, the occupiers in a better position as compared to an entra nt to know regarding the physical condition of the premises.[4] Regarding the issue of a duty of control over third parties, it was the opinion of the majority in this case that the scope of the duties of an occupier does not extend to third parties. Apart from the exceptional circumstances or in case of the presence of the special relationship between the parties, liability is not imposed by the common law regarding the ommission to take positive steps for the purpose of protecting the other person from the criminal actions of the other party. It was also stated in this case that if a special relationship is not present, it is not the duty of a person to take steps to prevent causing harm to another person as a result of the interactions of a third party even if such a risk can be described as foreseeable. It will also recognize by the court that under some exceptional cases, a duty can be imposed on a party to take positive steps that are required in order to prevent a reasonably foreseeable risk. That has been created independent from the conduct of the defendant. Such a situation arises in cases where there is a special or protective relationship present between the parties, and an obligation has been assumed by the defendant to protect the plaintiff.[5] It can be said that such a protective relationship is present where the defendant has the capability to control the risk of harm that may be caused to the plaintiff and in cases where the plaintiff can be described as vulnerable and depending on the plaintiff for the prevention of such harm.[6] But in the present case, it was noted by the court that the occupier was not in a position to control the actions of the assailants. Similarly, the occupier did not have any knowledge regarding the impending attack. The court stated that the middle attacks cannot be predicted and it was not possible for the occupier to control such an attack.[7] Under these circumstances, it was stated that the occupier cannot be held liable in the present case, because the immediate and direct cause of the injuries suffered by the plaintiff was the attack by the offenders and these injuries were not suffered as an absence of lighting. Similarly, this fact was also noted that responsibility was not assumed by the occupier regarding the safety of the respondent. It was reasonable for the occupier to believe that the employer of the respondent would protect him. Concerning the occupier, the respondent can be placed in similar position in which any other member of the public can be placed. Similarly in the present case, the contribution of the occupier in the injuries suffered by the respondent was negligible. If liability is imposed on the occupier, it would mean that the financial responsibility has been shifted regarding the consequences of a crime, from the wrongdoer to another person. Even if such person did not have the capability to impact the behavior due to which the injuries were caused. Moreover the court stated that there is no doubt that an occupier of land has the duty of care towards the persons who unlawfully present on the land. In the present case also, it can be said that the appellant had a duty towards the first to respond and regarding the physical condition of the car park. However, the issue in this case was related with the fact if the appellant also had a duty of the kind that is relevant for the harm that was offered by the first respondent. This issue was discussed in this case in the form of the argument related with the nature or scope of the duty. In the present case, the nature of farm caused to the respondent was in the form of physical injuries that have been caused by a third party and the respondent did not have any control over the actions of the third-party.[8] Therefore, it can be said in the present case that any relevant duty in such circumstances can be described as the duty related with the security of the respondent. It can be a duty of a person, in his position as the occupier of land, which requires him to take reasonable care for protecting the persons who were in the position of the respondent against conduct, which includes the criminal actions of the third parties. Under these circumstances, the majority decision given by the High Court was that the appeal of Modbry should be allowed on both the issues. Consequently, it was decided by the High Court that Modbury cannot be held liable for injuries suffered by Mr. Anzil. In support of the decision, it was stated by the court. That being an occupier of land, Modbury has a duty of care towards Mr. Anzil but this duty cannot be considered to be extending to take reasonable steps for the purpose of preventing the criminal actions of third parties, as a result of which, physical injuries were suffered by Mr. Anzil. Under the circumstances where Modbury did not have any control over the conduct of the attackers. The court pointed out that even if it can be said that the failure of Modbury to provide proper lighting in the car park could have facilitated the time in the same way as it had made provision for the car park and descent and decided to park his car there but it cannot be treated as the. Main cause behind the injuries suffered by Mr. Anzil. In this case, the direct cause due to which Mr. Anzil had suffered the injuries was the conduct of the three assailants over which Modbury had no control. It was also noted by the court that in this case, the inadequate lighting had not caused the concealment of a dangerous object or condition in the carpark as a result of which, damage may have been suffered by person or property. Due to the unpredictability of criminal behavior, as a general rule, and when a special relationship is not present, a duty is not imposed by the law to prevent harm to another person caused by the criminal conduct of third parties even if such harm can be described as reasonably foreseeable.[9] Therefore the court stated that the occupier, Modbury was not liable for the injuries suffered by the respondent. Chomentowski v Red Garter Restaurant Ltd (1970) 92 WN (NSW) 1070 Commissioner for Railways v McDermott [1967] 1 AC 169 at 186 Dorset Yacht Co v Home Office [1970] AC 1004 Fraser v State Transport Authority (1985) 39 SASR 57 Hill v Van Erp (1997) 188 CLR 159 at 229 Kondis v State Transport Authority (1984) 154 CLR 672 at 687 Pitt Son & Badgery Ltd v Proulefco (1984) 153 CLR 644 Public Transport Corporation v Sartori [1997] 1 VR 168 Smith v Leurs (1945) 70 CLR 256 at 262 Commissioner for Railways v McDermott [1967] 1 AC 169 at 186. Smith v Leurs (1945) 70 CLR 256 at 262 Dorset Yacht Co v Home Office [1970] AC 1004. Kondis v State Transport Authority (1984) 154 CLR 672 at 687 Hill v Van Erp (1997) 188 CLR 159 at 229 Chomentowski v Red Garter Restaurant Ltd (1970) 92 WN (NSW) 1070 Public Transport Corporation v Sartori [1997] 1 VR 168 Fraser v State Transport Authority (1985) 39 SASR 57 Pitt Son & Badgery Ltd v Proulefco (1984) 153 CLR 644
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Critical Paper of Let's (Not) Get Physicals Essay
Critical Paper of Let's (Not) Get Physicals - Essay Example For example, she seems to shift blame for the situation to doctors and patients and leaves out key players such as the government and insurance companies. Rosenthal attempts to convince people on the need of not having physicals, especially when the checkups become recommended by doctors and then get approved by insurance companies. Rosenthal, at the beginning of her article, states that she completed medical training in late eighties. This may validate her ability to make distinguishing arguments for or against some medical checkup procedures. As such, she argues that various health tests are irrelevant and sometimes harmful to the patient. Her article reflects on tests that yield false positives on the first instance, therefore, facilitating the need for further tests. An example of convincingly harmful procedures includes X-rays which expose patients to radiation and over time can lead to health complications. Other medical tests such as blood screenings are intrusive and unnecess ary. For instance, the United States Preventive Services Task Force does not recommend antigen specific blood screening to identify prostate cancer. Nonetheless, close to 80% of urologists still think it is necessary. Rosenthal cites studies by the Canadian government task force in 1979 that provide evidence on the irrelevance of the standard head-to-toe annual physical. The results from these studies show that the tests a) do not yield efficient diagnosis or results and b) may expose patients to harmful, intrusive procedures. However, the author does not clearly articulate whose fault it is that the tests are not accurate. Furthermore, Rosenthal’s thesis mentions potential harm to the patient, but she seems to fail in outlining the clear dangers of engaging in medical checkups. In her article, Rosenthal speaks of how some procedures are pointless and need to be wiped out from the medical practice. In addition, she insists of some laboratory tests being useless as moreso end up giving false positives hence hindering diagnosis of the real diseases. Furthermore, she continues by mentioning the pointless nature of screening tests as some do not have any influence on the progression of a disease in illnesses that do not have effective treatment. She goes further to give an example of how CT scan can be harmful to a patient through the radiation that it emits, though medical personnel still use it. She emphasizes that there are quite a number of procedures and tests used in diagnosis and screening of certain diseases, but in real sense, also contribute in causing harm to that given patient. Moreover, Americans spend well over 300 billion dollars on unnecessary tests or treatment each year. Rosenthal also quotes Dr. Ateev Mehrotra, assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, who estimates that unneeded blood tests alone consume close to 325 million dollars a year. The excessive amounts of money spent on medical checkups reflect on the agenda of most doctors and hospitals. Rosenthal reports that doctors and hospitals prefer that patients spend more during medical visits because this is a sure way of making a profit. Another contributor to the inflating cost of healthcare is insurance. This article claims that medical insurance ends up paying large portions of bills for patients with coverage. This economic stimulus is dangerous
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Should people be allowed to keep pitbulls Research Paper
Should people be allowed to keep pitbulls - Research Paper Example According to some sources, it is believed that â€Å"currently the breed of choice for dog fighters, pit bulls are forced to fight, they do not choose to fight.†( Even Christine Hibbard, CTC, CPDT, reported once that â€Å"No, we do not believe that Pit Bulls are inherently dangerous.†( There are many reasons of as to why people should be allowed to keep Pit Bulls and there should not be any ban enforced in keeping them as it will not benefit the safety of the society. Firstly, as it is known that this particular breed of dog has a bad reputation because of being aggressive and violent. It totally depends on the owner as how he trains and keeps them. It will be very biased to ban them only on the type of dog. Secondly, the Pit Bulls do not require much grooming as â€Å"Their short coat is very low maintenance and they can be bathed in very little time, not that they need to be bathed often.†(Petfinder) â€Å"Pit Bulls are wonderful animals that deserve a chance to have a good life like any other dog.†(Villalobos Rescue Center) There are reports that more people have faced death by the domestic rats than Pit Bulls. It is a myth that people say Pit Bulls attack more towards the people than any other breed of dog. However, Pit Bulls do not have the strongest of jaws; it is considered as the weakest among all breeds. What makes Pit Bulls as one of the most popular and demanding type of breed is that they are very loyal to their owners. It is said that the man has made a friend for life when he buys and owns a Pit Bull. There is a same response from the dog as well as they love their owners and they do not discriminate between the mankind. But, one of the best reasons, in my opinion is that Pit Bulls do smile provides a metal boost and confidence to their owners. If the owner of Pit
Monday, August 26, 2019
Technique for a Full Golf Swing a 7-Iron Assignment
Technique for a Full Golf Swing a 7-Iron - Assignment Example To commence the swing, the head should be behind the ball, hips open, forward the arm, with the leg and shaft stacked over the golf ball. To ensure the correct path of the backswing of 7-iron, stand with knees slightly flexed and feet together and get a good ball fight which ensures that the club is on the plane. If you have an incorrect start to the backswing, this makes it hard to consistently square up the clubface at impact. The swing should start the swing with a little more weight on your front foot. Halt the swing when your hands are actually level with the outside of your right thigh. During the swing, an incorrect shoulder turn leads to an inconsistent contact with the ball. As a result, one should ensure that they have the correct shoulder turn. When hitting the golf ball straight, the golfer needs to align his body parallel to the target line of the ball. Adopt a neutral grip with the back of the left hand that is parallel to the clubface. Move your body and arms in such a way that you can trace a straight plane line with the right index finger and club shaft during the backswing, as well as the downswing with the hands below the waist level. Â
Summary article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summary article - Essay Example The authors, in trying to answer this question conducted a research on the regularly shod athletes in the United States and the endurance athletes of the Rift valley province of Kenya. According to the research, endurance athletes of the Rift Valley province of Kenya, while on the track land on the forefoot before they could bring down their heel. In other instances though, they land with a mid-foot strike or in other instances, though less often, on the rear-foot-strike. On the other hand, regularly shod athletes land on their rear-foot strike, facilitated by the elevated and cushioned heel of the modern shoe. While running, athletes risk injuries occurring in three ways; the rear-foot strike, where the rear foot lands first, injuries from the mid-foot strike which where the heal and the ball of the foot land at the same time and fore-foot strike, where the ball of the foot lands before the heel. While sprinters often FFS, contemporary endurance runners RFS, and as such, they should be willing to endure more body weight with every impact. According to the authors, the design of the modern running shoe makes the RFS running more comfortable as well as minimizing its injuries. The shoe, by having a large heel filled with elastic materials, allows the spread of the impact over more time, thus reducing the injury caused to the runners. With this technology therefore, the authors sought to understand how athletes, before the invention of the running shoe used to hit the ground when running. Their research methodology, which involved the comparison of kinematics on tracks at preferred endurance running speeds, considered individual runners from five groups. Using the age of the runners and their shoe wearing habits, these researchers identified the study population. Among these groups were habitually shod athletes from the USA, endurance athletes from the rift valley province of Kenya, US runners who grew up using the footwear but currently run barefoot or with mini mal footwear, runners who have never won shoes and people who have for most of their lives been shod (Lieberman et al.531). The authors reveal that habitually shod runners who grew up wearing shoes, in most cases when shod RFS, although they predominantly RFS when barefoot on the same hard surfaces. On the other hand, however, individuals who grew up barefoot, or switched to barefoot running, in most cases, FFS followed by heel contact, whether shod or barefoot. Further, barefoot conditions in most cases MFS. As the research established, the cushioned sole of most of the modern running shoes, having a thickset below the heel, is the main contributing factor to the predominance of RFS in shod runners. This shoe elevates runners at least 5 degrees from the ground, and as such, the habitual unshod runners RFS less frequently. Subsequently, the shoes with elevated, cushioned heels facilitate RFS running, as the authors conclude. Further, the authors observe, that due to the differences in kinematic among foot strikes, they generate different forces of collision on the ground. By comparing this impact with the habitually shod and barefoot adult runners, all from the United States, the researchers were able to come up with this conclusion. The research also establishes that contrary to FFS whose impacts during the toe-heel-toe gaits generate ground reaction forces without a transient even when tested on a steel force plate, RFS landings cause larger
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Very easy no essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Very easy no essay - Assignment Example y-four year olds owning their own businesses: "The trend may dilute corporate pools of promotable junior managers but provide a needed infrastructure for corporate outsourcing" (Keaveney 102-103). Which paraphrase is acceptable? A necessary infrastructure for corporate outsourcing is provided even though the trend of members of the younger generation owning their own businesses is weakening the availability of potential executives (Keaveney 102-103). Increasingly, members of the younger generation are becoming entrepreneurs rather than making themselves available to work their way up the management scale for an individual company; the difficulties this may cause for companies is offset by the services as subcontractors they can provide as outsourcing becomes more necessary and more common (Keaveney 102-103). The current fashion of members of the younger generation owning their own businesses might water down the numbers of available potential low-ranking administrators; however, it might also supply a necessary means at a basic level for business to subcontract (Keaveney 102-103). The original quotation from Bob Simpson on a website reads "Although some people believe the Lamborgotti Fasterossa is the fastest car in the world, others name the Ferrari as the fastest." Which is an unfair and misleading use of this quotation? You are using material from a newspaper article. There is no author given, but the title of the article is "Was Emerson lying to his constituents?," published in the Edmonton Journal on Feb. 14, 2006, on p. A2. Which is the proper parenthetical citation for this
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Cluster Competencies and their Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cluster Competencies and their Behavior - Essay Example This, as the name suggests, is used to prioritize the work which was decided should be included in the above strategic orientation. This helps in further organizing the whole situation and focuses the attention of different subjects on the relevant topics so they can be compiled effectively and efficiently. This narrows down the task at hand even more. It basically looks at the results that wish to be achieved and then makes sure that the priorities have been set properly. This helps in maintaining a positive relationship with the task being designed and the overall result being achieved. This is the crux of cluster competency. It basically involves organization and maintaining a constant and positive flow of information in the form of updates on the project being performed with all the members involved in the job. This helps individuals adapt more easily to the situation and helps streamline all tasks so that more can be accomplished in less time. The work of a member acting as a leader is crucial. He is responsible for providing his team with direction and guidance so that they are not led astray and keep on track so that no energy is wasted in irrelevant work. This is vital to working as a group. ... Development Developing Self This competency in a person makes sure that he takes responsibility of himself and makes sure that he is responsible for his own self improvement. Developing Others This is vital to working as a group. Improving oneself while improving the performance of others while giving constructive criticism is going to help the group perform better and consequently improve performance. Developing Networks In the age of globalization, one task cannot be complete with just a normal group. This is why seeking and identifying any outside the group members within the organization will help in the fast processing of information like computer experts. Reasoning and management Critical Thinking This looks at the situation from a broader perspective to make sure that things are going according to plan. Problem solving A vital part in competencies is to manually identify by making a conscious effort and then find effective solutions for it. Decision making Once a problem has been identified, a decision should be made to effectively and efficiently solve it. This is vital to the whole situation otherwise there was no need for the other preceding parts. Communication Verbal Being clear in your conversations and eliminating any communication gaps is helpful before getting down to work. Written The need to make everything clear to others is vital because it doesn't matter how innovative someone is, if he cannot present his information in a proper and organized way in a report, he is useless for the team. Numerical Statistics need to be interpreted to make sure that the plan formed by the team is going to succeed or not. This can only be done by projecting numbers and interpreting information
Friday, August 23, 2019
Immigrant and Black Women Status in Workplace Term Paper
Immigrant and Black Women Status in Workplace - Term Paper Example Canada enacted flexible policies to allow a considerable number of immigrants to enter the country. The massive immigration brought in people with diversified cultures and ethnic backgrounds. The ethnic factions extended to the workplace. The immigrants and black women suffered the brunt of ethnic divisions in the labor force in Canada. Before industrial revolution, gender segregation was very high and it was women’s role to perform household chores only1. The black women did not get enough attention to secure jobs because the popular patriarchal ideologies in the workplace. Most of the work was a reserve for the masculine gender. However, things took a positive turn for women with advent of Industrial Revolution. The industries required varied skills in their operations. This paper seeks to analyze the status of immigrant and black women’s status in the workplace and their developments after industrialization in Canada. First, the report will endeavor to reveal the exp eriences that brought about the women’s desire to challenge their status in the workplace. Second, it will point out the process of their development after industrialization. Lastly, the paper will give its conclusion on black women’s developments in Canada2. Diverse cultural, legal, demographic, and ethno-racial influences shaped the history of women in the Canadian labor force. Like men, women in the industrial Canada contributed to their household and community economies through both paid and unpaid labor. However, cultural beliefs, social practices, and laws limited the material rewards. These practices subordinated women to men. The black married women could not sign labor contracts, own property or even claim their wages. The women who worked in the same type of work as their male counterparts earned lower wages than men did. The black women participated in heavy field labor that the Canadian natives could not work in. The immigrants faced a lot of discrimination and social prejudice from the employers’ suppressive policies. This made the employment status of the immigrant and black women uncertain3. During the late 1700s and early 1800s, the Industrial Revolution profoundly changed the conditions under which immigrant and black women worked. Industrial Revolution shifted the workplace away from farms, where men and women lived, to factories, mines, and other spaces away from home. This shift created two different spheres. These comprised of a domestic and a separate working sphere away from the home. Compelling was the strategy that Canadians used to get the Black women to enter the workplace mostly in the textile industries4. It was burdening to women because they served as homemakers and caregivers on top of working in the textile industries. In the middle of the 1800s, the number of women declined in the workplace. The wages of the industrial workers rose making the jobs desirable for men. Canada passed the laws restricting the n umber of workers for the black women and the number of lower-class working-women fell. A cult of domesticity, stressing that women place was in the home and men in the workplace dominated the Canadian culture. This was especially among the middle and upper class. This catapulted formation of strong and vigorous women’s movements that agitated for suffrage, equality to work, equal pay, temperance, and other issues. The women formed most prominent organizations such as National Council of women in Canada, Women Christian
Thursday, August 22, 2019
First Day of School Essay Example for Free
First Day of School Essay The first thing I remember about this day was my mother; she woke me up early and started dressing me and combing my hair. I remember I was so excited that I got in the car while singing and dancing. I sat in the front seat and we drove off to the beginning of my life. My mom walked me in while holding my hand and just then I remember not wanting her to let go, I felt so safe with her by my side. Just then the class teacher comes up to us, and I remember her asking me my name, but I was too shy to answer. Then my mom explains to me that she had to go and that Im going to have so much fun here and make a huge amount of friends. I stood there watching my mom walk away with tears falling down my face; I have never felt so alone. But the teacher turned out to be so nice she immediately started to calm me down. That’s when she took me to this room filled with toys and beautiful pictures on the wall, I remember how noisy it was because kids my age were running around everywhere playing and laughing. see more:first day of school essay At the moment the feeling of missing my mom was completely gone and all I wanted to do is join the kids with whatever they were doing. I was shy at first, but then a group of little kids came up to me and asked me if I would count for them while they would all go and hide. I immediately agreed and just like that I was a part of the best hide and seek game in my 4 year old life. I remember how easy it was to make friends but how hard it was to memorize their names. It was an extreme problem for me then because I didn’t know how to call out to them while playing. The best activity of the day was when the teacher took us outside and we played on the swings and slides. The best of all was the sandbox, we would run to the back of the school yard where the water taps were, and fill our little buckets with water and spill it on the sand so this way it would be wet and perfect to make sand castles with. As the day came to end I remember not wanting to go home. But that all changed when I saw my mom in the front door of the class room ready to take me home, I was so glad to see her, as I had so many things to tell. I went on and on about what I had experienced, telling my story with a smile on my face. And when I got back home I repeated the whole thing to dad, everyone was glad I had such a wonderful day. I was looking forward on going back there again tomorrow, but this time with a mission, I was determined on memorizing all of their names, so I would know how to answer when someone asked about the names of my friends. I was officially the happiest kindergartner of all times.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Should television be Switched Essay Example for Free
Should television be Switched Essay TV or not TV? -Thats the question. We may not all be Hamlet, but we all struggle with our own existential issues and since television plays a major role in our existence it becomes an issue. The days are long past when we could consider TV to be an innocent, innocuous part of daily life or a casual baby-sitter. It is a powerful, persuasive teacher and a primary companion for children, many of whom spend more time in front of the television than in school. Considering that some members of the average family watch more than seven hours of television per day, it is not surprising that contemporary research indicates that human development and behaviour are affected by television to a degree far exceeding earlier judgments. Unfortunately, this medium, which has been used for much good, has increasingly been misused. The number of programmes and commercials that conflict with gospel standards are steadily rising, and few viewers demonstrate enough self-discipline to resist. Some of us dont even realize what hidden messages were receiving-and little by little we subconsciously come to accept them as normal or appropriate. There is a large body of research that documents the way in which exposure to television influences children generally, and much of this relates to the effects of exposure to violent content in programming. Children who view programmes where violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or left unpunished, are more likely to imitate what they observe on television. The impact of television violence may be immediately evident in a childs behaviour or it may surface years later. Children who spend their time alone will learn behaviour from television, which is considered to be acceptable. Several studies have also highlighted that children may become immune to violence, gradually accepting it as a way to solve problems. Young children are very impressionable, and it follows that they see things on television, and at the movies, that they may consider as normal. For example, Americans accept that there is a tremendous amount of violent crime in their country. They hardly flinch when they hear about horrific murders; theyve heard it all before. However, in the UK we still find it horrific when someone holds a shootout at a school or murders a child. This is because we dont come across it very often. Unfortunately though, because of the amount of detail in newer films, we are beginning to get used to violence. Take for example the recent film, Hannibal starring Anthony Hopkins, where the consuming of a human brain is featured in graphic detail and the exploitation of cannibalism is continued throughout the film. How then can parents compete with the film industrys glamorisation of violence? Violence is becoming part of our society, and some of it must be attributed to the amount of violence that we are subjected to in the media. As well as an influencing effect on behaviour, television has a significant impact on self-image and overall health and well being of a person, despite claims that there are advertisement campaigns promoting a healthy diet and exercise. However in perspective, ninety eight percent of the time, commercials are glamorising the sedentary lifestyle with promotion of junk food and new technological advances that mean you can stay in the comfort of your own home and use the television or internet to do your weekly shopping. The effects of commercialism cannot be underestimated. Children are besieged by manipulative commercial messages day in and day out, on TV, and even at school. Companies hire psychologists to help them target children and manipulate them; we call this the art of whine-making. Perhaps the mobile phone is the biggest example of discontent among teenagers as every seventeen days on average there is a new model on the shelves. The bombardment of commercial messages has created a sense of chronic dissatisfaction in children and, many psychologists think, has contributed to the increase in teenage depression. With the technological and social development in the world, television hasnt fallen behind and companies seem to have left no stone unturned; every taboo is consistently addressed in day to day viewing. Intense and disturbing imagery, including scenes of extreme violence but including other extreme taboos such as cannibalism, were once found only in films of extreme violence. More and more, these images are appearing on television and satellite broadcast. Particularly for children and teens, these images have an effect that can best be described as a reduced version of post-traumatic stress disorder. The intense and disturbing images return unbidden and at times obsessively since the children have little ability to process and sublimate the images. However a lack of respect and courtesy is a serious national problem and sixty per cent of people have stated that it is getting worse. This relates to increased aggressiveness, lack of consideration of others and public vulgarity, all types of behaviours that are normalized by increasingly vulgar and rude television shows. Take for example the notorious Jerry Springer Show where there is uncalled for language that is consistently unsuitable and features that are far from ordinary. Firstly, the guests language is censored because of daytime viewing and because of this it is extremely hard to make out what is being said, as there seems to be more bleeps than actual words. Next in question are the discussion topics featuring occurrences that are extraordinary, some are actually so unbelievable that they become humorous. It is unquestionable that television has shaped and accelerated this trend, rather than simply reflecting it, as television executives are fond of claiming. Rude and vulgar behaviour on television regiments the behaviour and breaks down the social barriers that help children understand when certain behaviour is appropriate and not appropriate. Unfortunately, television doesnt have to be violent or vulgar to have a negative effect. Excessive television watching of any description has clear psychological and physiological effects on people. The Couch Potato Syndrome demonstrates that the benign television content decreases childrens creativity and imagination, decreases physical activity and thus increases obesity. Each year the average child watches approximately twenty two thousand commercials-five thousand of them for food products, the majority of which are high-calorie, high-sugar, low-nutrition items and meals portrayed on prime-time television are anything but balanced and far from relaxed. On TV, snacking is almost as common as breakfast, lunch, and dinner combined. During daytime weekend childrens programs, snacking comprises forty five percent of all eating events, while regular meals constitute only twenty four percent. Fruits are chosen as snacks on television only four to five percent of the time. Clearly, TV does not promote good eating habits. Adding to this affluence and power are common themes of some of the most popular shows on current prime-time television. Some programs consistently glamorise materialism and glorify products. With high-fashion wardrobes, luxurious estates, and insatiable appetites for wealth, these TV characters portray the false idea that greed brings gratification and Life-styles portrayed on these programs often promote self-satisfaction rather than sacrifice, greed instead of charity, and conceit rather than humility. Perhaps the most harmful messages TV brings into our homes relate to intimate physical relations. In the past several years, there has been a marked increase in the frequency of flirtatious behaviour and sexual innuendos on TV. Storylines and settings that include revealing or enticing apparel and explicit camera angles are on the increase. Moreover, references to intimate physical relations on TV, whether verbally insinuated or contextually implied, occur most often between unmarried partners-five times more frequently than between married couples. References to such relations with prostitutes come in second. Together, references to sexual conduct between unmarried partners and with prostitutes account for about seventy percent of all references to intimate physical conduct on television. Television is undoubtedly a sex educator of children and a potentially powerful one. Contemporary television entertainment is saturated with lessons that are likely to have an impact on young viewers sexual development and behaviour. The notorious soap, Coronation Street, is thought to be suitable for family viewing, yet a teenage pregnancy, a few years ago was aired and the particular girl has apparently benefited from it and at present is living with her boyfriend, to whom she is expecting a child and who she is blissfully unaware of the fact that he is a homosexual. In this particular instant, three taboos are referenced and broken at once; living together before marriage, pregnancy before marriage and the exploitation of homosexual tendencies and behaviour. When asked, my grandmother said that television had definitely developed but, in doing so took a wrong turn. She told me, I would have never dreamed of two teenagers having relations outside marriage, let alone watching the actual process, during family time viewing. It definitely seems that the television industry needs to sort their act out in order to ensure that not too much over exaggeration is broadcasted daily on the TV screen. So why in effect is television portrayed as having a positive influence to any extent on someones life? The only depiction of television in a good light is the broadcasting of childrens television programmes aimed at those between the ages of two and five. However, even at this, companies are negligent and inconsiderate. Programmes of such description are usually aired at unsociable hours of the morning or night as they dont make for high viewing interests and thus companies lose out, so how can a child view a beneficial programme when its broadcasted at times when a child cant watch it? However it has also been proven that such educational programmes also have a negative effect on children. Programmes like the Teletubbies and Boo-Bahs have been shown to cause a steady rise in speech impediments, as proper vocabulary has not been demonstrated, with Eh-Ho replacing hello. Hence the underlying, negative aspects outweigh even issues that are supposed to be in favour of television. Excessive TV viewing is a behaviour pattern acquired by frequent repetition that sometimes becomes involuntary. For many families, watching television is more than a habit; its a dependency, marked by withdrawal and dysfunction when the TV set is not available. It is becoming a pattern that requires diligent effort to break. In effect, when taken to excess, the impact television has on a person is undoubtedly pessimistic; it certainly can give someone a thoroughly dull mind and a huge waistline.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Hyperactivity And Add Attention Deficit Disorder Psychology Essay
Hyperactivity And Add Attention Deficit Disorder Psychology Essay Hyperactivity and A.D.D. Attention Deficit Disorder is a common diagnosed behavioral disorder that begin early in the childhood.Even though considered a childhood disorder once,it is now much more clear that many of the children that has ADHD will continue to have it when become adolescents.While the symptoms decrease as a function of age,impairments like academic,social and family are observed to increase in adolescence.The disorder have unclear biological underpinnings,it is stressfull to live and get over with,and places burden and cost on family,school and society. Although having a varying array of degrees and types,the effects are roughly the same.Struggling while acquiring new relationships and keeping them,having hard time on concentration on tasks makes academic life and career tougher,probable communication problems based on being unable to self expression and facing the sometimes harsh results of acting without thinking. With its causes are variable and not exactly known,they are roughly related with the genetics,environmental effects,extraordinary conditions occuring during the development of brain.Psychological or medical treatments are available,of course,and former of which are usually the first choice while the latter is for more intense cases with heavier symptoms.Other treatments include academic, and behavioral interventions. 1.1: Hyperactivity and A.D.D. is a common seen case at people,starting from childhood.It is not a disease,it is defined as a behavioral disorder by the health experts,while the psychiatrists define it as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. It should be noted that being Hyperactive does not mean being less qualified,insomuch that,considering most hyperactive people have higher IQ rates compared to other people.This means these individuals can be,and are actually as qualified and as intellectually potent as everyone,or even more.The purpose of this report is to analyze the reasons of the causes,symptoms,results and alike conditions that this disorder causes in the individuals lives. In order to examine the subject,it is first needed to be understood the reasons,types,their differences and specialties.Then it must be gone through the results and treatments.In addition,the patients with ADHD will be regarded as hyperactives or hyperactive individuals,during the rest of the report. 1.2: Being considered as a behavioral disorder by the health experts,ADHD is also defined as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. It is a common disorder that starts during childhood,however,it does not only effect children.People of all ages can suffer from it,and backing that up,it is observed that the symptoms of ADHD keeps asserting themselves in the adolescense,too. ADHD makes certain things harder for the one who is bearing it,like making it more difficult to focus on things for a long time without distraction.Patients also struggle controlling what they are doing or saying,and also have harder time on controlling the frequency of their physical activities,compared to somebody without ADHD.To say in other words,hyperactive individuals are more impulsive and restless. Being in close relationship but not to confused with autism,there are other disorders it may be related to.Backing that up,ADHD is also associated with many other conditions including learning disabilities, conduct disorder, anxiety, mood, and substance abuse disorders. States M. Simonescu,from State University of New York. Some other trivial information about ADHD is that it is known and defined in different names by different experts or countries.For example,in North America the term ADD or ADHD is commonly used to express the situation,while in the UK Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD) is the special term.Health experts may use one of the following,in order to specify those with disorder; attention deficit, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hyperkinetic disorder, hyperactivity. 2.1 Types Symptoms There are three diagnosed types of ADHD so far,which are Predominantly Inattentive Type, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type and Combined Type.For any of them to be diagnosed certainly,patient must show at least 6 out of 9 of the symptoms which are specific to the each type: Predominantly Inattentive Type symptoms include: Not paying attention to detail Mistakes due to carelessness Failure to pay and keep attention on task Not listening Unability to follow and understand any instruction Avoiding effort involving tasks To be distracted a lot To forget things a lot Losing objects that are needfull to complete the tasks Hyperactive-Impulsive Type symptoms include: Fidgeting Squirming Getting up often when seated Heavy physical activity (running,climbing) in inappropriate times Having trouble playing or tasking quietly Talking excessively and impatiently Interrupting And as the name may suggest,combined type consists of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms.For a certain diagnosis,symptoms must be observed for a consistent six months,and to a greater degree than other children at the same age. 2.2: Results at Real Life Most people display some of these symptoms and behaviours,but it is not always to a degree where they interfere with their lives significantly.And due to this absence of significance,a diagnosis of ADHD is not precise and appropriate.Some people with ADHD experience considerable difficulties with social and academic skills,such as forming or keeping relationships or keeping proper work and attention during their careers.Moreover,most of the child patients experience rejection and exculsion by their peers,compared to 10-15 percent of the healthy children of the same age.A significant rate of adolescents are observed to have difficulties during the process of non-verbal and verbal communication. 2.3 Causes 2.3.1: Genetics Studies show that,in about 75 percent of the cases,genetics are a factor and the disorder is also highly heritable between ancestral genes or by the gene pool. 2.3.2: Executive Functions Significant amount of symptoms arise from a primary deficit on Executive Functions,which refers to cognitive processes that regulates and controls other cognitive processes.The most obvious examples of it are planning,working memory,attention,inhibition and mental flexibility. 2.3.3:Evolution For more than 1 percent of population,researchers stated that high generality of ADHD may be due to natural selection,probably because the individual traits might be beneficial on their own and only became dysfunctional where these traits combine to form ADHD. 2.3.4:Environment Environmental factors usually contribute a small role to the origins of ADHD.Exposure to tobacco smoke or alcohol intakes during the pregnancy may impair the development of nervous system which can end up with a diagnosis of ADHD.Environmental lead also remains as a valid factor,since former studies at relatively high levels of lead exposure showed that the exposure and low levels of IQ as well as attention problems,other disorders such as autism or hyperactivity. 3 Conclusion As a common case,hyperactivity has many effects on patients who bear it,though it does not pose serious threats or problems for health. It only could make life a little harder,in social and academic senses,but that does not mean that it is completely bad and hard to live with it.Majority of hyperactive individuals are reported and observed to have higher IQ levels and creativeness compared to those who arent.They also think and act differently,making them outstand from the crowd,usually in a good way. Commenting and acting differently when encountered extraordinary situations is mostly applauded by ordinary people,due they can and do come out with extraordinary but appropriate solutions. However,this little disorder can be treated and reduced,even though it can not be completely removed,but then again,since it does not have harmful effects on human health,it is not necessary.But then,having a more stable mind and physical stand and postur emay help individuals get more friends easily,acquire succesful relationships,and most important of all,a more succesful academic life,in senses of education and career. One should not simply stereotype or confuse hyperactive individuals with mental patients.It can be both a bless,and a curse,and it completely depends on the perspective.After all,they are just as human as we are,maybe a little more restless,reckless and impatient.But again,there is nothing wrong with standing out of the crowd,in a good way,and without even trying that hard as the rest of the other people. Referrences (n.d.,Retrieved in 6 May 2013) Richard S. Kingsley,MD What is ADHD ?,Reviewed in July 2012,retrieved in 6 May 2013 John H. Ferguson,MD National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement: Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Conference Held in 16-18 November 1998,Retrieved in 6 May 2013 John H. Ferguson,MD Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry (Volume 39,Issue 2,February 2000, Pages 182-193) Retrieved in 6 May 2013 J.T. Nigg,Oregon Health and Sciences University Lead and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (2011,Encyclopedia of Environmental Health pages 405-411) Retrieved in 7 May 2013 K.M. Antshel,State University of New York Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2012,Encyclopedia of Human Behaviour,2nd Edition,pages 218-223) Retrieved in 7 May 2013 S.V. Faraone,State University of New York Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2012,Encyclopedia of Human Behaviour,2nd Edition,Pages 218-223) Retrieved in 7 May 2013 K.M Antshel,SUNY-Upstate Medical University,Syracusa Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2011,Encyclopedia of Adolescence,pages 56-61) Retrieved in 8 May 2013 R.A Barkley,Medical University of South Carolina Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2011,Encyclopedia of Adolescence,pages 56-61) Retrieved in 8 May 2013 SPECIAL THANKS TO Google Translate NESCAFÉ and MONSTER ENERGY for providing easier sleepless nights.
The Political History of Italy Essays -- History of Italy Essays
The political history of Italy is quite extensive. The Greeks were the first to settle in Italy and established colonies in the southern part of the country and in Sicily. There was not a sense of political reality as much as there was a civilization (Windows on Italy- History). While the Greeks controlled the south the Gauls, or Celtic people, ruled the north and the Po Valley. But the most important group to settle in Italy was the Etruscans. Because of their advanced civilization, the Etruscans were the only ones to establish political and cultural ideas before the Roman Empire (Windows on Italy- History). At the end of the Etruscans rule, Rome began a unification of Italy and established Latin to be the general language (Defusco). By 6th century BC, the city of Rome came into power. During this growing power, Rome began fighting other civilizations to expand its territory. Amongst these populations was Rome’s long time friend Carthage. Rome soon became greedy and made war on Carthage in the Second Punic War (Defusco). The Punic Wars lead Rome to gain territories along the Mediterranean basin. At the end of the Third Punic War, Rome defeated Carthage and became the major Mediterranean military power (Windows on Italy- History). In all of Rome’s defeats, Greece was the most significant. The Romans adopted Greek customs and ideas as their own. This changed the society of Rome by developing a new culture and way of thinking. The Roman Empire was soon developed by the ideas of Augustus, leading to a more democratic way of governing. The Empire created an expansion of Roman civilization by its leaders conquering other civilizations. The Empire ruled for many years under many different Emperors. During this time there was a mixture of rule between a hereditary Emperor and a Senate. With the fall of the Empire after the death of Theodosius, Italy was then attack from neighboring civilizations in the north and west. These invasions soon lead to the rising of power in individual city-states (Defusco). The citizens of the cities abolished the ideas of feudalism and searched for their own identity. Their searching lead to violent acts amongst themselves in determining who should govern, but despite the fighting, each city contributed greatly to the economy and helped to raise the cultural energy of Rome (Defusco). By the year 1861, a unified Italy was... ...e the beginning of its unification, Italy has battled with the differences of the north and south. It will take a long time to achieve economic stability in the south, but one that must be reached in order to increase the economic growth for the whole country. With its strong nationalistic views, Italy is well on its way to achieving its goals. Works Cited CIA-World Factbook-Italy. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Defusco. Italy-Culture and History. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Electric Library. Columbia University Press: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Embassy of Italy in the United States. Washington D.C.: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). U.S. Department of State. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Windows on Italy-the Constitution. Italian National Research Council: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Windows on Italy-the History. Italian National Research Council: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001).
Monday, August 19, 2019
Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels Essay -- Environment Pollution Es
Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels cause pollution, smog, and the greenhouse effect. Fossil fuels really do negatively impact our environment, especially when it comes to global warming, Although there is controversy over whether or not fossil fuels are causing the planet to warm, or whether it is warming naturally, there is significant research that supports the former hypothesis. When fossil fuels are burned, they emit different levels of carbon dioxide. The burning of fossil fuels has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a staggering twenty- five percent. It has also been implied that fossil fuels are associated with increased levels of nitrous oxide and methane, although they are not the main sources of these gasses. Carbon dioxide is a gas that traps heat in our atmosphere, and helps keep the planet at livable temperature. However, climatologists are now predicting that if the levels of carbon dioxide continue to increase, the temperature will rise and a number of different impacts can or will occur (Union). Among the many possible impacts of global warming, are more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and the melting of glaciers. However, while researching, I stumbled upon a site that showed possible impacts, and where they would be most likely to occur. The key to the map had two different categories, â€Å"Harbingers†, and â€Å"Fingerprints†. Harbingers are â€Å"events that fores...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Envy and Beauty in Snow White Essay examples -- essays research papers
Envy, Beauty, and Snow White Few people can grow up within today's society without knowing the tale of Snow White. From the Grimm Brothers to Disney, it has been told and retold to children throughout the ages. However, what is often overlooked are the true meanings within the story. Fairytales typically have underlying messages that can be found written between the lines, generally in terms of the key themes. Snow White discusses the themes of envy and beauty, and shows how humans' obsessions can lead to their own downfall as well as the harm of others. When focusing on the relationship between Snow White and her step-mother the Queen, it is evident that the combination of these two themes results in a power struggle in which beauty is seen as a commodity and is the basis for the step-mother?s envy towards Snow White. From the very beginning of the tale it is obvious that the Queen is obsessed with beauty, ?the King took another wife, a beautiful woman, but proud and overbearing, and she could not bear to be surpassed in beauty by anyone(Grimm and Grimm 166). Further evidence of her narcissism is her daily ritual in which she consults her magic mirror on who is the most beautiful person in the kingdom. As she repeatedly expects the answer to be in her favor, she is outraged when it appears that Snow White has surpassed her. This information drives the Queen to hate Snow White and soon she orders her death. By looking at beauty as a commodity through which power can be gained, this action can be interpreted as a means for the Queen to preserve her power through beauty. The fact that Snow White was beautiful may not have been reason enough alone to kill her, but the fear that Snow White could use her beauty in orde... ...intertwined as main themes within the story. The Queen?s fixation with her own beauty, and then her envy over Snow White?s, was the main component in causing her death. As she attempted numerous times to murder Snow White, she was in effect writing her own death sentence, because her obsession drove her beyond rational thinking to the point where her triumph over Snow White was more important than her own life. Works Cited: Grimm, Jacob, Wilhelm Grimm, Edgar Lucas, Lucy Crane, Marian Edwardes, and Fritz Kredel. Grimms' Fairy Tales. Illustrated junior library. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1945. Haase, Donald, ed. The Reception of Grimms' Fairy Tales : Responses, Reactions, Revisions. Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 1993. Sale, Roger. Fairy Tales and After: From Snow white to E. B. White. Harvard University Press, 1979.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Embroideries on Gujrat
Embroideries of Gujarat: ARI work Printing and embroidery in Gujarat reveals a cultural tradition that has evolved through centuries. Most of the best and earliest textiles were created in Gujarat. Printing and embroidery in Gujarat has a huge world market. Varieties of embroidery in Gujarat include: * Toran, the embroidered doorway decoration with hanging flaps, which is said to ventilate good luck. * Pachhitpatis, hanged from the corners as a welcome symbol to the visitors. * Chaklas, used as furniture covers. * Bhitiya, a wall hanging. Abhala, where small mirror discs are fixed with closely worked silken thread. Printing and embroidery in Gujarat is an inherent talent that passes through generations. They excel in making the following: * cholis (bodices) * gaghras (skirts) * odhnis (shawls) * bed spreads * bags * wall hanging * Variety of ornamental pieces for home decor. Source: http://www. blog. gaatha. com/? p=1467#content Ari work and its origin Once adorned by the royalties o f the country, on the sheen of silk and the softness of velvet, the designs always would stand out like a peacock on a rainy day.Of Persian motifs enthralling the costumes and wares creating a luster of luxury and elegance, the art of aari embroidery, zari and zardosi has come a long way, since its royalty days. Ari embroidery is very old and known for its heavy work. It is done with a cobbler's stitch, which needs much skill and practice. The royal ladies of Kutch who were moved by the Persian motifs like peacock and flowers became great patrons of Ari embroidery. Rabari Embroidery is the most conspicuous work and available easily.The Kutchi Rabaris employ mirrors of different shapes and sizes. Applique or Katab is another form of decorative needlework, more pronounced in Saurashtra, it is done with pieces of colored and patterned fabric, which are nicely cut to make the motif and then stitched on to a plain background to make quilts, curtains and wall hangings. Another very imp ortant aspect of the printing and embroidery in Gujarat are the fabrics with Block Prints. They especially fascinate the foreign tourists. It is the printing of cloth with carved wooden blocks. Needles used for aari workLooking at each of these distinct patterns of work, they are created with precision and a method best known to their artisans. The Aari embroidery, a celebrated and muchadored work of Gujarat, requires not just the perfect stitch but also the understanding of the innate technique by which it is created. The thread is held with a finger at the reverse of the fabric and the aari, an awl-like needle with a sharp point, is held on the top. How it is made: The aari is pierced through the cloth and the thread is brought to the upper side and used to secure the previous stitch.This unique stitch, similar to the cobbler’s stitch, is repeated until the desired form is created on the surface of the fabric. The best pieces of fabrics used for this embroidery are of ten silk or a locally made satin called Gajji. Atlash, a special silk-satin is also used for the purpose. Ari work being done on fabric Threads used Dotted with bootis of various shapes and sizes, motifs and designs of peacocks, flowers, these embroidered sarees, suits, dupattas and traditional Gujarati ghagra-cholis find themselves to be the centre of attention for the women across the world.Whereas, the roots of this art in India go as deep as the time of the Rig Veda , it prospered during the Mughal Emperor, Akbar. And with this, came the Persian influence, which we see in the motifs, materials and the nomenclature today. Zari Zari, a special gold/silver thread, is often used for aari embroidery. A fine hook needle is used to make quick chain stitches with the zari. The artisan needs to not only manoeuver the needle with a rapid hand but also make sure that this pace is withheld and is kept standard for picking the material and meshing with the fabri c. NAKSHAPatterns cannot be directly created on to the fabrics. First, a complete and clear pattern has to be drawn on a butter paper, designing the same is done by a naksha naviz, who only helps in creating a unique pattern. The paper is then perforated along the lines of the pattern and placed on top of the fabric. Next, the artisans, using chalk, rub the pattern over the fabric, imprinting the required design. Once this has been done, around six to seven craftsmen take a portion of the fabric and start the process of embroidering the zari, using a wooden frame called the â€Å"Hadda†, â€Å"karchop†or â€Å"Khatli†- in Gujarati.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Glaser Health Products Essay
Glaser Health Products of Ranier Falls, Georgia needs assistance in evaluating and classifying costs in order to implement an activity-based costing system. As stated in the case, these costs will be used for planning and control decisions rather than inventory valuation. The activity-based costing system will provide better allocation of Glaser’s overhead costs rather than a system to look at the cost drivers or the activities that their overhead costs comprise. Glaser’s general structure of an activity-based costing model should consist of cost objects, activities, consumption of resources, and cost. Activity-based costing changes â€Å"the rules of the game†since it changes some of the key measures that manager’s use for their decision making and for evaluating individuals’ performance ( In order for Glaser to implement a successful activity-based costing system management must take a look at their overhead costs and j ustify whether or not they have enough overhead to be worrying about. While we do not know Glaser’s monetary value of their overhead costs, it seems that they have several divisions with a large amount of cost categories management must consider. The three main divisions of Glaser Health Products are Operations, Sales, and Administrative. Under each division are costs categories that have been divided up to help management determine where they belong. (Appendix A identifies each of the costs with the appropriate division). Next, management must identify the big overhead cost in order to determine whether or not they want to allocate some or a bunch of overhead using the activity-based costing system. I suggest that Glaser creates an activity-based costing system that allocates, with a minimal amount of effort, a large portion of their overhead. For instance, management is correct in identifying each of the costs using four different activities. These include unit-level activities, batch-level activities, product-level activities, and facility-level activities. This is a great system because the fewer activities Glaser can use to do this, the easier the accounting will be for management. These four activities will allow Glaser to fairly and accurately allocate overhead to product lines. (Appendix B illustrates each of the costs under one of the four activities and also classifies the four activities under one of the three divisions). After Glaser management has identified the handful of the activities that connect overhead expenses to products, they must use the appropriate measure (the cost driver) to tie the overhead expenses to the product lines or service lines. To achieve this management must specify an appropriate cost driver for tracing costs associated with the various levels of activities to the next cost objective or products. The cost drivers can include a number of things such as direct labor hours, number of batches, or number of employees. (Appendix C shows the appropriate cost driver with the various levels of activities). Under the Activity-based costing system, Glaser will use preliminary stage cost drivers to link costs of resources consumed in one activity center to other activity centers. Some costs, such as batch-level activity center costs are initially assigned to a primary stage activity center and only need a single assignment process, and are traceable to specific products but often use a cost driver. Product-level activity center costs may be related to a specific product or grouped by activities before being assigned to products at the primary stage. Facility-level activity center costs may go through multiple preliminary stages before being assigned to products (Schneider, 2012). It is necessary to use a preliminary stage cost driver because this system assigns costs from activities to other activities. On the other hand, primary stage cost drivers is used to assign costs from activities to the cost objectives. This process eliminates distortions in cost allocations to products that result from production complexity (Schneider, 2012). Actually sitting down and laying out an activity-based costing system for a real company is much more difficult than a typical textbook ABC problem. Determining what causes a cost to occur is much more difficult than it originally might seem (Krupnicki & Tyson, 1997). Overall, I think that management’s decision to implement an activity-based costing system is going to work in their favor. The decision to implement ABC is often driven by the need to improve customer profitability analysis, to gain more accurate cost information for pricing or to prepare relevant budgets (Cohen, Venieris, & Kaimenaki, 2005). In this case, Glaser wants to identify costs used for planning and control decisions rather than for inventory valuation. Glaser is likely to see many benefits from implementing an activity-based costing system such as better profitability measures, better decision-making, process improvement, cost estimation, and cost of unused capacity. The activity-based costing system will provide better allocation of Glaser’s overhead costs rather than a system to look at the cost drivers or the activities that their overhead costs comprise. References Schneider, A. (Ed.). (2012). Managerial Accounting: Decision Making for the Service And Manufacturing Sectors. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. Krupnicki, M., & Tyson, T. (1997). Using ABC to Determine the Cost of Servicing Customers. Management Accounting, 79(6), 40-46. Retrieved from Cohen, S., Venieris, G., & Kaimenaki, E. (2005). ABC: Adopters, Supporters, and Deniers And Unawares. Managerial Auditing Journal, 20(8), 981-1000. Retrieved from
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Monetarist Theory: Milton Friedman
Economic theories explore the relationships linking changes in the money supply to changes in economic activity and prices. With a mixture of theoretical ideas, philosophical beliefs, and policy prescriptions, these theories can help elaborate on both historic and current financial situations. For instance, the general understanding of the monetarist theory, founded by economist Milton Friedman, focuses on macroeconomic activities that examine the impact of changes in the money supply and central banking.This economic school of thought theoretically challenges Keynesian economics (OnlineTexts) to contend that variations in the money supply are the most significant determinants of the rate of economic growth, the behavior of the business cycle, the national output in the short run, and the price level over longer periods of time (Investopedia). Through the developments from other theories, more laissez-faire government approaches, and the use of the quantity theory of money, monetaris m has dramatically impacted and helped explain changes in monetary policy and the banking system for nearly one hundred years.To fully grasp this economic theory, the history behind it and what influenced its existence must be understood. Following the Great Depression, Keynesian economics mainly dominated the United States as well as countries globally. This economic theory focused on total spending in the economy and its effects on output and inflation (Blinder). Keynesians traditionally saw fiscal policy as the key tool for economic management, believed monetary policy should simply be used as a backup, and believed that the government’s role was to maintain the economy at full employment (Biz/Ed).This theory also emphasized interest rates as a target of monetary policy, raising rates to slow down the economy and reducing rates to speed things up (Allen 283). Although these views were the main focus for some time, many economists saw that the theory was leaving most of our economic problems unexplained. As Keynesian economics seemed unable to explain or cure the seemingly contradictory problems of rising unemployment and inflation (Allen 284) economits like Milton Friedman began making different, more accurate observations.Monetarism’s rise to intellectual prominence began with writings on basic monetary theory by Friedman and other economists during the 1950s (McCallum). These proposals were influential because of their devotion to fundamental neoclassical principles, particularly Friedman’s presidential address to the American Economic Association in 1967, published in 1968 as â€Å"The Role of Monetary Policy. †In this paper Friedman developed the natural-rate hypothesis and used it as a pillar in the argument for less government intervention and a constant-growth-rate rule for monetary policy (McCallum).From this point the monetarist theory drew its roots from two almost entirely opposing ideas, the hard money policies that dominated monetary thinking in the late 19th century, and the theories of Keynesian economics (Wikipedia). While Keynes had focused on total spending and the value stability of currency which resulted with problems based on an insufficient money supply, Friedman centered on price stability acting as the equilibrium between supply and demand for money (Wikipedia).Friedman and other monetarists began challenging Keynesian ideas and strongly started to suggest that â€Å"money does not matter†(Wikipedia). Monetarist’s goals involved seeking to explain present problems while also striving to interpret historical ones. Since monetarists strongly believe that the money supply is the primary determinant of nominal GDP in the short run and of the price level in the long run, they stress that the control of the money supply should not be left to the discretion of central bankers and that the focus should shift to a more laissez-faire approach for the banking system (OnlineText s).Monetarists do not believe that the government should intervene in economic and monetary decisions by trying to manage the level of aggregate demand or total spending (Biz/Ed). Friedman explains that if we are experiencing government deficits and must make a monetary decision, then the deficits should be financed by increasing the money supply instead of affecting aggregate demand, and vice versa for budget surpluses.Monetarists argue that interventionist policy regarding managing total spending will be destabilizing in the long run and should therefore be avoided. By trusting free markets rather than large governments, monetarists quickly and simultaneously agreed that government intervention will destabilize the economy more than it will help, since intervention typically interferes in the workings of free markets and can lead to bloated bureaucracies, unnecessary social programs, and large deficits (OnlineTexts).Markets will benefit by working on their own since market forces will cause inflation, unemployment and production to adjust themselves automatically and efficiently around a fixed amount of money (Milton Friedman and Monetarism). A key problem with discretionary demand management policies is the time lags, which monetarists believe make fiscal policy too difficult to use to manage the economy effectively (Biz/Ed). The best thing therefore, is to take a long-run view of price stability and use monetary policy to achieve this.Monetarists always say that where fiscal policy could be beneficial, monetary policy would do the job better. Government attempts to influence GDP and other economic measures through fiscal policy are at best ineffectual, mainly because expansionary fiscal policy only causes inflation (Monetarist Theory of Inflation). The monetarist theory believes that the Fed should not have discretion but rather be bound to fixed rules in conducting monetary policy.For example, monetarists prefer the money growth rule which states that the Fed should be required to target the growth rate of money so that it equals the growth rate of real GDP, leaving the price level unchanged (OnlineTexts). The relationship between inflation and money growth is virtually a one-to-one relationship, so if the economy is expected to grow at a certain percent in a given year, the Fed should allow the money supply to increase by the same percent. By following this rule there will be a tight control of money and credit allowing the economy to maintain price stability (Riley).Monetarist’s stress incorrect central bank policy is often the root of large fluctuations in inflation and price stability, showing that the key to success is to ensure that monetary policy is credible so that people’s expectations of inflation are controlled (Riley). Friedman states within his academic paper, â€Å"The Role of Monetary Policy†that â€Å"monetary authorities should guide themselves by magnitudes that they can control, not by ones that they cannot†(Friedman 14), which is why the quantity theory of money and other monetarist concepts are of huge importance and assistance.The quantity theory of money is a basic theoretical explanation for the link between money and the general price level. This theory helps describe how by controlling the growth of the money supply and leaving interest rates unchanged; the Fed can better control inflation and foster stable economic growth (Riley). This identity relates total aggregate demand to the total value of output, and holds that changes in nominal prices reflect changes in the money supply and the velocity of money (Monetarism). Monetarists assume that the velocity of money within the economy, or rather the average number of times a dollar is used to purchase final good or service is assumed constant or changes at a predictable rate (Wikipedia). The value of real output (GDP), or the total volume of production of goods and services, is not influenced by monetary variables (Riley) allowing monetarists to also treat GDP as a constant. Looking at the quantity of money theory equation, M*V = P*Y, where M is the rate of growth in the money supply, V is the velocity of money, P is the overall price level, and Y is the total output or GDP, one can determine that with V and Y as constants, changes in the rate of money supply will equal changes in the price level (Riley).By using this equation and theory, economists can determine and solve problems within the economy and we have seen this throughout history. The monetarist theory can effectively explain the deflationary waves of the late 19th Century, the Great Depression, and the stagflation period beginning in the early 1970’s (Wikipedia). Monetarists argue that there was no inflationary boom in the 1920’s, while Keynesians argue that there was significant asset inflation and unsustainable growth.Monetarists’ claim that the contraction of the M1 money supply during 1931-1933 i s to blame for the Great Depression and if the Fed had provided sufficient liquidity to make up for the insufficient money supply, then that financial crisis would have be avoided (Pettinger). In comparison, the increase in inflation rates throughout the 1970’s led many to consider monetarist policies to steady the money growth (Hafer 18). Even though the sudden rise in inflation in the 1970’s was related directly to oil price shocks, there was also a similar increase in the average rate of money growth.To combat this, the Fed began adopting a monetarist platform and monetary targets were effectively used in official policy analysis (Hafer 18). Later in the 1980’s President Reagan imposed strict monetarist policies of restricted money stock growth in an effort to stop the dramatic rise of inflation. At this time, the prime interest rate was at twenty percent and unemployment reached double digits. The monetarist policies Reagan proposed brought down inflation an d unemployment rates, suggesting that monetarist policies were succeeding (Allen 284).Most recently in the early 1990’s, John Taylor, an economics professor at Stanford, showed that U. S. monetary policy could be accurately described by relating movements in the federal funds rate to deviations in inflation from a target rate and deviations in real output growth from potential growth (Hafer 19). This Taylor rule dominates much of the research on monetary policy during the past decade, both as a model of Fed behavior and as a model to guide policy decisions (Hafer 19).While some disagreement remains, certain things are clear. Since 1990, the classical form of monetarism has been questioned because of events that have been interpreted as inexplicable in monetarist terms, primarily the unhinging of the money supply growth from inflation in the 1990’s and the failure of monetary policy to stimulate the economy in the early 2000’s (Wikipedia). Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, explains why the monetarist theory unfortunately had no success in combating early financial problems.He argued that the 1990’s economic decline had little to do with the monetarist view of the money supply and rather was â€Å"explained by a virtuous cycle of productivity and investment on one hand, and a certain degree of â€Å"irrational exuberance†in the investment sector†(Wikipedia). Along with Greenspan, economist Robert Solow of MIT suggested that the 2001-2003 failure of the expected economic recovery also was not attributed by monetary policy, but by the decreasing productivity growth in crucial sectors of the economy (Investopedia).Despite both the successes and failures of the monetarist theory, in 2005 most academic specialists in monetary economics described their orientation as new Keynesians (McCallum). However, even with that focus, most of the changes to Keynesian thinking that monetarists proposed are accepted today as part of standard macroeconomic and monetary analysis and most economists accept the proposition that monetary policy is more powerful and useful than fiscal policy for stabilizing the economy (McCallum).In addition, current thinking clearly favors policy rules in contrast to discretion of central banks and stresses the importance of maintaining inflation at low rates. With new Keynesian views prominent in today’s society, it can be determine that it is only in the emphasis on monetary aggregates that monetarism is not being widely practiced today. Economic theories, including monetarism, are constantly changing to provide outlets for research in all areas of economics based on theoretical reasoning and analysis of economic problems.Despite the drastic differences between the late 19th century and today’s economy, the same economic problems remain the same. We cannot put so much doubt and negativity onto monetarist views as we can be assured that new economic theories will continuously emerge as changes in the economy bring fresh insights and cause existing ideas to become obsolete.Throughout these changes, the same motivating force is present regarding the need to understand the economy in order to achieve society's goals. These economic theories are highly significant in finding the right monetary policy to bring about economic growth and financial stability in a country. The monetarist theory, as well as others more prominent today, will continue to be debated and tested in order to find answers to some of the most troubling economic questions throughout our history.
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