Friday, May 22, 2020
Is The Pre Emptive Use Of Force Against Terrorism Lawful...
IS THE PRE-EMPTIVE USE OF FORCE AGAINST TERRORISM LAWFUL? INTRODUCTION Is the pre-emptive use of force against terrorism lawful? This has become one of the major topics of discussion within the international system. Terrorism, has been around for several years and was brought into the limelight during the 9/11 attacks that occurred within the United States of America (USA). These were the first attacks that occurred on US soil since the Pearl Harbor. As a result, the Bush administration which was the, then ruling government, declared a war on terror. Therefore, the US declared war on rogue dictators such as Saddam Hussein and terror suspects and groups such as: Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda respectively. Throughout the years this ‘War on Terrorism’ has culminated into a global issue which has posed a serious and significant threat upon the lives of innocent human beings. Furthermore, due to the fact that we are continuously interacting and inter-relating with one another due to rise in globalization; the security of regions is under threat because it has spread transnationally through the access of information and technology. Therefore, it makes it a very difficult problem to solve at this point in time. This therefore brings us to really examine whether it is lawful for a state to use force to protect its citizens from threats such as terrorism. We then examine the laws that have been put in place by international organizational bodies such as the United Nations (UN).Show MoreRelated Anticipatory (Pre-emptive) Self-defence: The Need for a Modern Approach2885 Words  | 12 PagesAnticipatory (Pre-emptive) Self-defence: The Need for a Modern Approach The use of military force is a valid customary international law norm and it is enshrined in the United Nations Charter. Nevertheless, the use of force is only authorised if it falls under one of two categories: self-defence (article 41 of the United Nations Charter), or Security Council authorisation. To justify a resort to pre-emptive war, a state must give reasonable proof that the action is necessary to the vitalRead MoreHow Effective Is Terrorism Is For Achieving Its Political Objectives3701 Words  | 15 Pages Topic: How effective has terrorism being in achieving its political objectives. This essay will discuss how effective the terrorism has been in achieving its political objectives and will base its arguments on Political Terrorism by Schmid AP and Alberts J 1988 case study and supported by the 9/11 attack by Webster 2011 and the Siege operation by Cathy 2013. In unpacking the topic, key areas such as history and defining terrorist, the effectiveness of terrorism, its political objectives andRead MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words  | 163 PagesCONTENTS FOR NSL READING CHAPTER 1: National Security Law and the Role of Tipson 1 CHAPTER 2: Theoretical approaches to national security world order 4 CHAPTER 3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management 5 CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of Coercion (JNM) 7 CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management 17 The United Nations System 17 Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional Modes of Conduct 23 Read MorePepsi Prospectus112807 Words  | 452 Pagesafter deducting estimated underwriting discounts, commissions and estimated offering expenses payable by us, will be approximately P1,196 million. For a more = detailed discussion on the proceeds from the Firm Offer and our proposed use of proceeds, please see â€Å"Use of Proceeds†on page 27 of this Prospectus. Each holder of Shares will be entitled to such dividends as may be declared by our Board of Directors (the â€Å"Board†), provided that any stock dividends declaration requires the approval of
Sunday, May 10, 2020
A Balanced System Of The Republican Party And The...
Tiffany Edwards While democracy, to be a balanced system, should be two or more parties who hold different beliefs, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have a long history of feuding when it comes to debating the major issues. The biggest issues that continue to be ongoing debates between the parties are education, tax reform, immigration, national debt, healthcare and abortion. Republicans tend to lean more toward the freedoms, rights and responsibilities of the individual and the democrats lean more toward American equality and social responsibility. Due to the differences in core beliefs between the two groups, it is uncertain that the two parties will ever be able to see eye to eye. When it comes to education the Democrats believe that the public school system should be supported. The democrats support the â€Å"No Child Left Behind†initiative and, when necessary, to close consistently failing schools that refuse help to make way for new schools with new approaches. Although i n 2012 even Democrat, US Rep George Miller agrees that this program needs a rewrite. He stated, â€Å"We have learned a lot since the law’s enactment. Thanks to NCLB, the evidence is irrefutable that all kids can learn if given an opportunity to succeed, regardless of their zip code or income. However, the law s reforms are now outdated. It is now restraining schools from making the kinds of improvements needed to benefit students, communities and the economy.†(Miller Statement on 10thShow MoreRelated Differences Between the Republican National Party and the Democratic National Party1360 Words  | 6 PagesDifferences Between the Republican National Party and the Democratic National Party Since the beginning of American politics, we have lived in a two party political system. These two parties play a very important role in our government, they are a source of ideas for public policy, and they legally oppose each other, forcing compromises of ideas that are beneficial to the people of the United States of America. Though these two parties generally always oppose each other on the issues, some peopleRead MoreThe Democratic National Party vs. the Republican National Party1131 Words  | 5 Pagestwo party political system. These two parties play a very important role in our government, they are a source of ideas for public policy, and they legally oppose each other (class citation), forcing compromises of ideas which are beneficial to the people of the United States of America. Though these two parties generally always oppose each other on the issues, some people believe that there are not significant differences between the Democratic National Party and the Republican National Party. DespiteRead MoreBeliefs and Ideals of Democrats and Republicans954 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Decisions and Actions Democratic-Republican Partys Beliefs and Ideals Federalist Partys Beliefs and Ideals Initiated the first Barbary War Aligned most with the Federalists party because it was a display of national power. They were terrified of a strong national government. They were strong believers of a central government Bought the Louisiana Purchase Aligned most with the Federalist party because they believed in expanding national power by expanding their territory and property. TheyRead MoreDemocratic National Committee : The Democratic Party1433 Words  | 6 PagesI chose the Democratic National Committee, or DNC, as the political party organization that I want to study. I selected the Democratic National Committee because it sets the core values of the Democratic Party and Democrats in the United States. Political parties, such as the Democratic Party, are a vital way of representing concerns of the public as well as an outlet for voters to express their values and competencies (Stonecash, p. 83 84). Therefore, the Democratic National Committee is responsibleRead MoreDemocratic Parties Vs Political Parties888 Words  | 4 Pagesthat many issues are often contested between two political parties called the Democrats and the Republicans. It is interesting to note that the practice of two political parties debating key issues has been in use since the very beginning of the United States government. At the beginning of the United States as an independen t nation, opposing ideologies in Congress eventually developed into the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. The issues of the day revolved around how to set up the governmentRead MoreThe State of the Union Address Essay692 Words  | 3 Pagespayments after 20 years is such a good idea. Pissing off the entire banking system might not be such a good idea in the long run. Grunts will be fired before CEOs cut their own bonuses, and I really don’t feel like that is particularly conducive to a good financial system. Another thing that upset me was his concept of bipartisan reprimand. I seriously think that there is a massive issue with the current bipartisan system of government, and the gridlock on the healthcare bill is simply symptomaticRead MoreAnalysis Of James Madison s Federalist 847 Words  | 4 PagesStates Constitution. In Federalist number 10 Madison recognized that there was many different factions. He says that the republican government that is put together by the new Constitution will allow all factions to express themselves and influence their workings of the government by getting all their members elected and appointed to offices. Madison also indicates that a democratic kind of government using the ideal of majority rule will tame the factions and cause them to work together. Madison alsoRead MoreEssay on Politics In Texas1564 Words  | 7 PagesDemocrats, Republicans, and Libertarians are perhaps three of the most prominent political parties within Texas. Within the pages of their party platforms, we see that each possesses a unique philosophy, with specific viewpoints and recommendations for shaping or reforming government policy. To be sure, the people of Texas face many challenges, two of the most compelling issues being the crisis in healthcare and in education. Not only are we lac king in these areas as Texans, but also on the nationalRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution Essay1446 Words  | 6 Pagesopposed the constitution because of the obstacles between the people and the exercised power, which is why federalists supported it. Alexander Hamilton was the Leader of the federalist party while Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the Republican party. Overtime Jefferson and Maddison created the Democratic-Republican party. Jefferson also created the Declaration of Independence while Madison was influential regarding the constitution and the Bill of Rights. In result to Jeffersons significant role inRead MoreThe Censorship Of The Media939 Words  | 4 PagesDespite Trump’s obvious bigotry and objectively harmful policies, he has enjoyed a meteoric rise to the face of the Republican Party in the 2015 elections. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party’s nominee, Hillary Clinton, faces a litany of allegations regarding her mishandling of cl assified information of an attack on an American embassy in a foreign nation. Many late night television hosts often joke that these two candidates are in a race that they should win because their opponent is quite obviously
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Inner City Neighborhoods Free Essays
Writing 100 – Essay 4 One problem that faces inner city neighborhoods is boredom. Everyday residents may be scared to leave their homes late at night out of fear that something might happen because of danger. Whether it’s getting mug on the sidewalk or being held at gun point because someone wants to steal their car, any reason is a good enough reason for these residents to be scared for their lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Inner City Neighborhoods or any similar topic only for you Order Now Residents have to come up with ideas to help improve the reoccurring crimes. I’m sure that political figures would also like to help these inner city neighborhoods, but don’t always have the funding to do so. Individuals who drop out of college or even high school at such a young age can’t do much with their lives because they have no skills to get them a job. One bad decision like having unprotected sex, can lead to failing at life which can cause pregnancies at an early age. These harmless children are forced to grow up in around people who won’t make the right decisions for them at a young age which causes them to mistakenly make the same decisions that their parents made. Situations like these, where young children can’t get the help they need, are what cause high unemployment rates. Sadly, this doesn’t only happen in inner city neighborhoods. I’ve seen it happen in my own neighborhood with kids that I have grown up with and decided that certain decisions would be okay and those same decisions took over their lives and took away opportunities that they can now never get back. If there were more centers in inner city areas with either free or cheap activities for citizens, more kids, teens, and young adults would have activities or games to do instead of walking the streets. It would stop people from doing drugs, robbing stores, or hurting passersby on the sidewalk, from getting drunk and trying to take advantage of one another and making hurtful decisions. One example of a hurtful decision was in January of this year in Brooklyn. A New York City policeman was shot in the back of the head while pursuing a man who had reportedly been armed with a gun. I happen to know the policeman, Officer Brennan, who’s his young daughter and wife are what gave him the power to believe that he could make it through this tragedy. If people go to these centers, maybe they wouldn’t stay out as late. However, if they’re not free, it’s less money that they can spend on drugs and alcohol. These would be centers where one can rent equipment and a court to play select sports for a certain amount of time. For example, on Long Island there are plenty of things to do in almost any town and crime is lower. In the inner city neighborhoods people have less money and less activities. Having paintball arenas, airsoft arenas, and other controlled environments can be rewarding and reflecting of what good behavior should be like. I’m sure that spending the small amount of money, around ten dollars a group, for these activities or games wouldn’t be a problem because some people like to compete and play a lot of pick-up sport games with random people. Growing up in these places just might make future generations fall into the same bad path of doing drugs and the same wrongful decisions and getting into trouble or even getting killed. Every day in the newspapers or on the news you can read or hear about a new story where someone made a bad decision and some innocent person was accidentally harmed or killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The country has been coming out of a recent state of economic depression which caused various amounts of job loss across the country thus, giving too many people too much free time. And now that the hurricane came and wiped out the nice places, citizens now have less things to do on weekends and their days off from work. I think that crime will increase in these inner city neighborhoods because of these reasons. I like to know that when I leave my house every day to go to school that I’m not going to die in a car accident because of someone recklessly driving to get away from the police. How to cite Inner City Neighborhoods, Essay examples
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