Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Effective Communication Skills in a Diverse Workplace Essay
As we all know diversity plays a big part in United States today, so the focus of this essay will be on effective communication skills in a diverse workplace, we’re going to find out the barriers of communication between different cultures, how important is diversity to all corporation/organization and how to improve our communication style/skills and how to become better listeners in order to avoid any lack of communication in the near future interactions. Anybody in a work environment having a good understanding of effective communication skills in a diverse workplace entails will enhance every person’s ability to experience a successful and professional work experience. Misinterpretations in the workplace can be rooted from a variety†¦show more content†¦There are so many effective way we can use to communicate in the workplace and so many languages that it becomes hard to communicate with other people. Also a person with a strong accent can cause someone who speaks the same languages to become confused and misinterpret the meaning of the whole speech. Nevertheless how and where we are raised determine both our verbal and non-verbal language. Also when a person from a different country translate something in their head like from (Spanish to English) it more likely have a different meaning, and that’s why we have to know what type of audiences we are dealing with in the workplace and on our everyday life, to become better communicators. For example, as Dominican our accent is very strong most of the time which it can cause a communication barrier and being misinterpret due to being from a diverse culture. â€Å"Being an effective communicator means interacting with people from various racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds†(Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth, Harter 2003). In today society culture seems to be biggest factor in our communication skills. With United States being as diverse as it is now, we have to learn different ways and style on how to improve our communication skills. United States is habited with so many cultures that it’s almost impossible to have a single communication without the lack of it. The impact that ethnicity has on individual behavior cannot be ignored. Every day ethnicityShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Tactile Communication On The Human Resource Manager ( Hrm )1250 Words  | 5 Pagesnonverbal communication is haptics. Haptics refers to the study of communication by touch (Anonymous, 2012). According to Anonymous, 2012, â€Å"touch is necessary for human social development, and it can be welcoming, threatening, or persuasive.†The meaning of a simple touch differs between individuals, genders, and cultures. It is important for the Human Resource Manager (HRM) to recognize these differences in order to improve communication and be effective in the workplace. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
I am malala Free Essays
Independent Reading l. Cultural Connections Mall Housefly is the protagonist, narrator, and author of I Am Mall. She is born into a religious Pakistan family in Swat during a time of women oppression. We will write a custom essay sample on I am malala or any similar topic only for you Order Now Housefly makes a point to write about her happiness and freedom before Taliban took over. Her Pakistan heritage encourages many cultural traditions including dressing conservatively. Women are instructed to show respect by wearing bursas, which covered their face and body. The role of women is to cook and care for their families, â€Å"We’d [women] be expected to cook and serve our brothers and fathers. While boys and men could roam freely about town, my mother and I could not go out without a male relative to accompany us, even if it was a five-year-old boy! This was the tradition†(26). Mall is a smart girl who had correct morals and beliefs. Her two priorities are religion and education. Mall does not agree with Taliban laws, including the emphasis of education only available for men. Mammal’s father, too, believes that such a thing was wrong. Her father and the holy Quern support her to stick up for what she believed in. She speaks on behalf of the community and those ho were afraid to speak up, â€Å"The more interviews I gave, the stronger I felt and more support we received†(141). This courage leads her to win the Noble Peace Prize. Written in her perspective, Mall uses many of her own experiences throughout the novel. â€Å"She [Amoeba] always says, ‘l have four brothers, and if I do even the slightest thing wrong they can stop me from going to school†(77). Mall explains both the history of women oppression and her own personal experiences to depict the horrible conditions in Pakistan. II. Vocabulary in Context Charisma: compelling charm that can inspire devotion in others; â€Å"Even today people elk of Mr.. Bout as a man of great charisma†(20). This word attracted me because it is in 100 Words to Make You Sound Smart. It promotes Mr.. Bathtub’s character. Chapatti: unleavened flattered made from flour and water; â€Å"My mother made our usual breakfast of sugary tea, chapattis, and fried egg†(118). This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it. It describes the food Mammal’s culture ate on a normal day. Martyr: a person who is killed because of their religious beliefs; â€Å"Some of the girls refused, saying that their teachers had taught them that to become a martyr s a glorious thing†(66). This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it. It encourages religion as the number one priority in their culture. Unexamined: Islamic soldiers; â€Å"The unexamined will find you wherever you go’ (105). I chose this word because it is an Urdu term. It describes the threat to Mammal’s father, telling him to shut down his school. Blasphemous: profound; â€Å"Muslims widely considered it blasphemous and it provoked so much outrage that it seemed people were talking of little else†(27). I chose this word because it reminded me of ‘lurid’ from 100 Words to Make You Sound Smart. It describes how angry Muslims were about the book published that was considered a parody of the Prophet’s life. Burma: a long garment that covers everything from head to toe that Muslim women wear in public; â€Å"Wearing a Burma is like walking inside big fabric shuttlecock with only a grille to see through and on hot days it’s like an oven†(37). This word attracted me because it was surrounded by similes. It describes the clothing women had to wear, supporting the idea that women do not have it easy. Aba: affectionate Urdu term meaning â€Å"father†; â€Å"Aba, I am confused. ‘ I told my father†(101). This word attracted me because ABA means father in Hebrew, too. This word describes how Mall was bilingual as sometimes she refers to her father in Urdu. Barbaric: exceedingly brutal; â€Å"If anything the Taliban became even more barbaric†(86). This word attracted me because my brother used to use it frequently in his vocabulary. This word describes how cruel and powerful the Taliban became. Commiserated: express sympathy or pity; â€Å"When I was born, people in our village commiserated with my mother and nobody congratulated my father†(1). This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it. It describes the tragedy that it was to be a girl at the time. Autonomous: having self- government; â€Å"†¦ We went with the newly created Pakistan but stayed autonomous†(13). This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it. It is used to describe the independence once Britain divided from India. Ill. Writers’ reflection: Throughout the novel, despite all of her misfortunes, Mall manages to keep a strong and optimistic attitude. Even in the hospital while she was struggling to survive, Mall does not want to seek revenge on the people that hurt her, â€Å"I didn’t even think a single bad thought about the man who shot me-?I had no thoughts of revenge-?I Just wanted to go back to Swat. I wanted to go home†(282). This quotation shows how Mall never had bad intentions. She believes that if one takes revenge for wrongdoings done to them, the fighting would go on and on, â€Å"There is no time limit†(39). Mammal’s writing is consistent in that she effectively delivered personal and emotional stories. She uses figurative language including imagery and similes to create a picture in readers’ minds to help them further understand her perspective, Our words were like the eucalyptus blossoms of spring tossed away on the wind†(142). This quotation explains how her voice was not heard right away. It took time and effort, and so will most things people speak up for. She teaches readers not to give up on what matters to them. She uses a metaphor to describe the relationship between her and her father . â€Å"†¦ L was his universe†(246). Together, they worked to get their voices heard. The diction throughout the novel is mostly informal. However, towards the end when she wins the award and meets highly respected officials, her beech becomes more formal, â€Å"l will request you all, and I will request that if you can help us in our education, so please help us†(184). Overall, I enjoyed Houseboat’s story. I think that she shared many important lessons. Reading the book in her perspective opened my eyes and made me grateful to have as much freedom as I do. It amazes me that I am the same age as Mall, for she has accomplished so much in her life. Mall Yugoslavia is an inspiration to me and an inspiration to all. How to cite I am malala, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Drama Coursework
Drama Coursework- Performance Review Essay Makwacha Hip Hopera, originally The Threepenny Opera by Bertolt Brecht is a comical and modern version of the text. The adaptation was very cleverly devised by Nanzikambe using the original version for structure and plot but taking on a modern Malawian theme. Set in our own hometown-Blantyre, the audience could easily relate to the characters and overall plot, making it enjoyable and easy to follow. The play revolves around Polly, a young British girl who falls in love at first sight with, and later secretly marries, Panga knife Mac, a highly wanted Malawian gangster and womanizer. However her Malawian parents (who adopted her) strongly disapprove of the marriage as they know of Macs criminal reputation and desperately want to get him arrested- which eventually happens. Wily Russell is using classic element of tragedy from literature and bringing them together in a modern way. The first impression that we get of Mrs Johnstone is that she is a mother so cruel who gave her baby away and has a stone in place of a heart this is so that as we go through the play our opinion of her can change. Willy Russell wants this judging of Mrs Johnstone (the main character) to take place since the narrator says; Bring her on and judge for yourself, How she came to play this part This means that the play can now act as a trial for Mrs Johnstone. Instantly we go to a contrast with the idea of Mrs Johnstone being cruel because, in the next scene she is shown as a strong, happy character who is sexier than Marilyn Monroe all the way through the play we see Mrs Johnstone being strongly compared to Marilyn Monroe, a sex icon who led a happy life but eventually died lonely, this is another hint that there is tragedy looming at the end of the play. However Marilyn Monroe died childless and since Mrs Johnstone has lots of children she might be able to avoid the lonely death that awaited Marilyn Monroe. The song about Mrs Johnstones, as well as introducing the idea of Marilyn Monroe demonstrates the importance of dancing in Mrs Johnstones life. And we went dancing, We went dancing I think that dancing in Mrs Johnstones life is a metaphor for sexual activity (which is important to her) as one of the following lines is And then of course I found that I was six weeks overdue I think that her dancing also represents her freedom as when she is pregnant she is deprived of it no more dancing. As the song progresses we find the by the age of twenty five Mrs Johnstone has, Seven hungry mouths to feed And one more nearly due (she thinks) And that her husband he walked out on me. At the end of the song we go to a scene with Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons and we see a strong contrast between the two characters. Mrs Johnstone is single while Mrs Lyons is married but her husband is Away all the time. Although Mrs Johnstone is poor and Mrs Lyons has lots o money Mrs Johnstone is the happy one because she has lots of children and she loves the bones of every one of them and they complete her life whereas Mrs Lyons cant have kids (Mrs Johnstone cant stop having them) and her husband wont adopt, A Doll'S House Argumentative EssayMr Lyons wants his own kids Not somebody elses The fact that she can not have kids makes her incomplete and she makes up for this by buying material items such as new shoes. Also, after we find out that Mrs Johnstone is expecting twins we see that Mrs Lyons is clever and manipulative enough to convince Mrs Johnstone to give up one of her babies by saying the welfare are already on to you and surely it is better to give one of your babies to me. As soon as she gets Mrs Johnstone to agree she makes her swear on the holy bible, to seal the pact. This is one of the examples of superstition, a strong theme that runs throughout the play. Other contrasts between Mrs Lyons and Mrs Johnstone are that Mrs Johnstone is forced to work while Mrs Lyons only job is that of housewife and she employs a cleaner to do the housework for her, which poses the question what does she do with all her time? she goes shopping. Mrs Lyons has great power over Mrs Johnstones life, as she is able to fire her at any time I think that it would be better if you left While Mrs Johnstone is powerless. This is ironic because as the play progresses Mrs Lyons becomes paranoid and mentally unstable Up on the hill theres a woman gone mad While Mrs Johnstone, despite being poor and working class remains mentally sound and strong. Mrs Lyons paranoia is strong enough to drive her to use a lethal looking kitchen knife to try and stab Mrs Johnstone.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Economic Impact of The New Telecommunications Essay Example For Students
The Economic Impact of The New Telecommunications Essay LegislationBy: David ListerCanada has been transformed in recent years into an information based society. Nearly half of the labour force in Canada works in occupations involving the collection and processing of information. In a society in which information has become a commodity, communications provide a vital link that can mean the difference between success or failure. Telecommunications is a fundamental infrastructure of the Canadian economy and society. For these reasons, an efficient and dynamic telecommunications industry is necessary to ensure economic prosperity. Deregulating the Long Distance Industry is the only sure way to ensure that prosperity. Telecommunications in Canada, which include services and manufacturing, employ more than 125,000 people and generate over $21 billion in revenues (Dept. of Communications, 1992, p7). Telecommunications helps to overcome the obstacles of distance in a vast country such as Canada, permitting remote communities to benefit from services taken for granted in large urban centres. More than 98 percent of Canadian households have a telephone, and there are more than 15 million telephone lines for a population of nearly 27 million(Dept. of Communications, 1992, p7). It is therefore not surprising that Canadians are among the biggest users of telecommunications in the world. For example, in 1990, Canadians made more than three billion long-distance calls (Dept. of Communications, 1992, p8). We will write a custom essay on The Economic Impact of The New Telecommunications specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Innovations made possible through telecommunications have also contributed significantly to the phenomenal growth of the Canadian telecommunications industry. For example, the total value of the major telephone companies investment in their facilities rose from $17.8 billion in 1979 to $40.3 billion in 1990. In the same year, Canadian telecommunications companies reported more than $15 billion in revenues, accounting for an estimated 2.7 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In addition, in 1990 the telecom industry achieved a real growth rate (after inflation) of 8.6 percent compared to 0.3 percent for the Canadian economy as a whole. Telecommunications is also Canadas leading high-technology industry; its Research and Development costs of $1.4 billion in 1990 represent about 24 percent of total expenditures in this area. This shows how telecommunications has come to play such a vital role in our society, in addition to being our most important high technology industry (Dept. of Communications, 1992, p9-12). Changes are constantly taking place in the telecom industry. These changes are caused by rapid progress in telecommunications technology, growing demand for new services, the globalization of trade and manufacturing operations, and increasing competition worldwide. It is also important to note that the Canadian telecommunications market of $15 billion is small compared to those of our major trading partners, the United States ($185 billion), the European Community ($125 billion) and Japan ($65 billion) (Blackwell, 1993, p26). These factors were a mounting source of pressure on the previous regulatory structure of the Canadian telecom system. As regulation was eased in other countries around the world, Canada was beginning to lose its competitiveness. The USA and Britain have made strategic decisions to increase competition in telecommunications services and to modernize their information infrastructures. Other countries such as Japan, Australia, and New Zealand are following their le ad. The European Community is considering legislation to unify the European telecommunications market next year (Blackwell, 1993, p22). In order to not be left behind, Canada updated its telecommunications legislation to bring it in line with world developments. For example, a key piece of legislation that regulated telecommunications, the Railway Act, dated back to 1908 (Beatty, 1990, p135). Clearly, with such ancient legislation, new policy was required that would allow a more flexible regulatory system, and not hamper the development of our telecommunications industry (as the Railway Act did). The first steps toward such a policy were taken in 1987 by the Minister of Communications, who outlined three basic principles to guide telecommunications policy making:Maintaining a basic telephone service which is affordable and universally accessible;Encouraging development of an effective and efficient telecommunications infrastructure; andPermitting Canadians in all regions to have access to the same levels of competitive services (Beatty, 1990, p42). .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 , .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .postImageUrl , .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 , .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40:hover , .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40:visited , .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40:active { border:0!important; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40:active , .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40 .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u84f82b5e15d4725c9c925cc4885c3a40:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Embodiment and Free Indirect Discourse: Reliance EssayBill C-62 the Telecom Act, passed in June of 1993, brought these principals to reality. In addition, the legislation gave Canadian Parliament legislative authority over the principal telecommunications common carriers (i.e. Bell Canada, Alberta Govt Telephone, BC-Tel) in Canada. The new legislation defines the powers of the federal government and the regulation that is required to bring Canadas telecommunications policy into the twenty-first century. It ensures the efficient operation of our telecommunications system, maintains and promotes and internationally competitive telecommunications industry, and guarantees all Canadians access to reliable, affordable, and high-quality services. In order to achieve this, the new law centres on two major principals: the first is to open the telecommunications market by having a workable policy for the whole country under the guidance of a single regulatory agency (i.e. the CRTC); the second is to establish a more flexible regulatory framework. The new legislation modernizes and improves the existing system in three ways:1.By updating and modernizing existing legislation that governs telecommunications. Namely, the Railway Act, the National Telecommunications Powers and Procedures Act, and the Telegraphs Act. 2.By making a single agency responsible for regulating telecommunications, and3.By ensuring consistent conditions in regards to access to facilities, local and long-distance rates, and introduction of competition for providing telecommunications services across the country (Beatty, 1990, p42). In addition, the legislation resulted in the creation of a more open domestic market so that all Canadians will have access to relatively high-quality services, regardless of where they live. Advances in telecommunications technology enable companies to offer a wide variety of new services to satisfy the needs and interests of consumers. One of the goals on the legislation is to ensure that all Canadians benefit from innovations in communications. In addition to promoting the economic benefits of telecommunications technology, the legislation also tackles the social needs and interests of users. The legislation also contains measures to protect consumers against possible abuse, including the sending of unsolicited information by telephone or fax machine (Beatty, 1990, p66). The Telecom Act gives the government the power to issue licenses to Canadian telecommunications companies and to set standards for equipment and facilities. In order to be eligible to hold a telecommunications license, the company ,must meet specific requirements respecting Canadian ownership and control. A main requirement is that 80 percent of the companies shares must be owned and controlled by Canadians (Angus, 1993, p17). The legislation, and related regulations, therefore promote Canadian control over the countrys information infrastructure. As well as this, the new legislation ensures that telecommunications policy takes into account the interests of the regions and provinces. Given the fundamental role of communications in Canadian society, and the vital importance of this sector in the Canadian economy, deregulation (or more accurately, easier regulation) of the telecom market will ensure that the Canadian telecommunications industry can successfully meet the challenges of the coming decades. By promoting the establishment of a more open telecommunications market, deregulation will contribute to improving Canadas competitiveness, which is essential to the countrys prosperity and well-being. Telecommunications is the countrys leading high-technology industry (Dept. of Communications, 1992, p1). It is one of the few industries in which Canada is a world leader, and it provides an essential infrastructure for Canadian businesses. The economic importance of this sector has been proved, and the deregulation of telecommunications recognizes the urgent need to give Canada the ability to maintain and promote competitiveness in telecommunications, both nationally and internationally. Deregulation thereby ensures that the telecommunications industry, which is vital for the countrys economy and for all Canadians, can successfully meet the challenges of the next century. Works CitedAngus, Lis. Telecom Act Close to Approval Telemanagement: The Angus Report on Communications Systems, Services, and Strategies. p17, June-July 1993. .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 , .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .postImageUrl , .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 , .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5:hover , .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5:visited , .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5:active { border:0!important; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5:active , .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5 .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue225226650e060f9b8d746e09e9dc6c5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Polymers EssayAngus, Ian More Discount Options in Unitels Portfolio Telemanagement: The Angus Report on Communications Systems, Services, and Strategies. p15, May 1993. Blackwell, Gerry The Canadian Telecom Market in Perspective Telemanagement: The Angus Report on Communications Systems, Services, and Strategies. p20-32, September 1993. Bill C62 An Act Respecting Telecommunications (The Telecom Act) Ottawa: Canadian Federal Government, 1990. Beatty, Perrin Summary of the Bill Respecting Telecommunications Ottawa: Canadian Federal Government, 1990. Telecommunications: New Legislation for Canada Ottawa: Department of Communications, 1992. Untitled and Anonymous postings from the Internet, including messages from rec.canada and the CRTCs WWW (World Wide Web) site.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Homelessness essays
Homelessness essays The Stewart McKinney Act of 1987 defines a homeless person as Aone who lacks a fixed permanent nighttime residence, or whose nighttime residence is a temporary shelter, welfare hotel or any public or private place not designated as sleeping accommodations for human beings@ (583). Included in the homeless population are people who stay with friends or family for a short period of time and then decide to find shelter on the streets because of conflict with the people whom they are staying with, or because of personal pride. In the early 1980=s homelessness was determined to be a major problem in the United States. These years saw a steep rise in the number of homeless, due to poor economy and diminishing financial help for housing and income. The homeless consist of all types, races, and ages of people. A large portion of the homeless population consists of men but the number of women and children living on the streets is on the rise. Current statistics show that women and children now make up around forty percent of the homeless population. According to John J. Macionis one-third of homeless people abuse drugs and one-fourth are mentally ill. The current homeless population is mostly non-white and has an average age of the middle thirties. Veterans make up about one-third of the total number of homeless men. The homeless all suffer from absolute poverty. As stated in 1995 by the United States government, 36 million people or 13.8% of the population was poor. The government defines a family of four as being poor if they generate a yearly income of $15,569 or less, although the average improvised family=s income was only around $10,000 in 1995. The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics states, the average annual income of the homeless in Chicago was $1198 in 1996 (584). APerhaps we should not be surprised that one percent of our population, for one reason or another is unable to cope with our complex and highly competitive soci...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Strolling Down the [AV]
Strolling Down the [AV] Strolling Down the [AV] Strolling Down the [AV] By Maeve Maddox Just when I thought I’d developed a thicker skin regarding linguistic innovation! I was listening to classical music on my local NPR station the other morning when the DJ launched into some public service announcements. The first time she said [av] for avenue I wasn’t sure I’d heard correctly, but then she mentioned another address that included the word avenue. Again she said [av]. And then, leaving no doubt whatever, she pronounced a third address as Central [av]. Say it isn’t so! I need the help of you readers on this one. Googling won’t help me figure out if this is a trend or merely a local aberration. Please let me know if you have heard anyone pronounce the abbreviated form of Avenue as anything other than [ÄÆ'vÉ™-nÃ… «] or [ÄÆ'vÉ™-nyÃ… «] For the record, avenue, abbreviated Ave. or Av., came into the language as a military term meaning â€Å"a way of approach.†Now it refers to a wide street lined with trees or, in some cases, a street having a planted median. In British usage an avenue is the roadway leading from the gate to the front of a country house, like the lovely tree-shaded approach to Manderly in the movie Rebecca. I suppose I shouldn’t be too astonished. The word versus, abbreviated vs. or v. is now universally pronounced [vee]. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)Empathy "With" or Empathy "For"?150 Foreign Expressions to Inspire You
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Creatity idea work Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Creatity idea work - Scholarship Essay Example The alcohol control bodies also streamline the abstinence from excessive drinking through taking the victims through reliable measures of withdrawal and abstinence. The alcohol and drug control agencies ensure that rehabilitation programs work and are adequately resourced (Cornett 2009, p. 34). Consequently, the factors, which lead to alcohol engagement, are eliminated. For instance, low-income status and domestic conflicts result in the involvement of the people in alcoholism. The victims are also responsible for the predicaments. They are the ones to take the initiative to ensure that they abstain from overdrinking. Moreover, the society is negatively affected by the binge drinkers. The alcoholics also consume national resources, which are supposed to enhance developments. For instance, the funds spent by the government in the rehabilitation process cost the government much (Carr 2011, p.56). There are counselors needed to guide and counsel the binge drinkers and encourage them to stop the drinking habit even if they have become addicts. Additionally, the pills provided for abstinence cost the government much funds. The society also suffers because the binge drinkers always cause domestic chaos because the alcohol compromises the thought process of the victims. The physical factors influencing the aspect of binge drinking include a negative effect on health of the affected individuals. The proposal on the resolving of the prevalence of the binge drinking practice among the youth is sound. However, many factors must be considered in order for the remedy to apply efficiently. The idea proposed is viable because it is important to isolate heavy drinkers from the rest of the people in order to prevent the spread of the practice among other people who do not drink heavily. Additionally, the attention given to the heavy drinkers is vital especially in the rehabilitation process. It is plausible for the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A study of the conservatives and the democrats Term Paper
A study of the conservatives and the democrats - Term Paper Example A free market is one which there is very little government interference. The forces of demand and supply are left to align themselves accordingly depending on the market situation at hand. Communism is stated to be a great enemy to mankind because it generally deals with taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Communism further advocates for equality between all citizens in terms of wealth. He further emphasizes that the government is closest to the people and therefore will give what is best to the people. He advocates that all American citizens should be left to work on their families and wealth on their own with little government interference. This wisdom of conservatism he furthers states has been attained from generation to generations of individual experiences of past leaders and past nations. The Government shall intervene when an individual impinges the right of their neighbor and will also assure equal opportunity to all citizens and will also be passionate in caring fo r the disabled individuals. The Government will cater for the individual instead of groups so as to ensure all individual maintain their dignity and identity. It will further prevent excessive taxation, extreme controls, and oppressive competition with business and frustrated minorities. This are not factors that conservatism favors. President Reagan generally therefore advocates for freedom of the American people with little interference from the government. This is therefore the underlying principles of conservatism in America. All individuals are given equal opportunity and therefore what differentiate the individuals is their ambition and their hard work to work towards their goals and dreams. Maria Cuomo emphasizes that despite the fact that America is a nation which is blessed and is termed a shining city in the hill, there are still some who are very disadvantaged compared to others. She states that the conservatism that President Reagan is advocating for is survival for the fittest and that Government cannot do everything. This she states is taking care of the rich to make them richer and to hope that the charity of the American people will cater for the less fortunate. Metaphorically what falls from the table will be enough for the middle class and those struggling to enter the middle class. She states that democracy principles are not stating things that the Government cannot achieve but is saying things that it will fulfill. The Government should be humanitarian in that it should not look at the struggles of the middle class and the lower middle class blindly but should try and help them in their struggles. She therefore advocates for a government that cares, that loves and is compassionate and is able to interfere in peoples lives. This interference should be in a manner that should decrease the suffering of the masses instead of just taking care of the few rich. She further states that democrats believe in the privacy of the individual but the ope nness of the government. The democrats are also against war because life is better than death. The government should therefore operate with an idea of family, mutuality, sharing of benefits and burdens for the good of all. It also should advocate sharing of another’s blessing reasonably, honestly, fairly, without racial segregation, or sex, or geography or political affiliation. The democratic principles
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Prejudice In Organizations Essay Example for Free
Prejudice In Organizations Essay ?Question 2: Prejudice can be hurtful and destructive discuss how you can personally reduce prejudice in your workplace please provide an example. Prejudice can be described as a word which is derived from the Latin word Prae Judicium meaning ‘to try in advance’ (Clawson et al: 1990). Prejudice happens when we pre-judge individuals on first encounter about their character or appeal. Most individuals who are prejudiced are usually rigid in their prejudices and their beliefs are unsubstantiated. Prejudice can create serious tension in an organization because it has the potential to strain interpersonal relationships in a workplace. People can practice prejudices in various forms. Some of the areas of potential prejudice could be gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity and physical disabilities. Prejudices can be systematically dealt with in the workplace. I work for one of the United Nations (UN) agencies. The UN has noted and is mindful of potential prejudices that can exist in the workplace, especially that the workplace is made up of employees from various countries, backgrounds, ethnic groupings, varying religious beliefs (including atheists), sexual orientation, races and as an organization, The organisation has a very diverse workforce. This diversity has not been ignored. The UN has taken deliberate steps to introduce workplace policies that encourage tolerance amongst employees and in turn, tolerance in the communities in which we serve. The policies are part of the orientation package for every new employee who joins the UN. There are Executive Directives (EXDs) that are issued and reviewed on an ongoing basis. In the current directive, disagreement between a staff member and supervisor is not considered as prejudice. The policies are clear on the definition of prejudices and also on the consequences of perpetuating the vice. If I were to be found in a work environment where prejudices are rife, I would first of all admit that prejudices are real and we all have some form of prejudices. The first step to deal with a problem is to admit that you have one. You can only begin to work on one’s prejudices once they realize they have them, and they can begin to work more carefully with the prejudices of others without anger and force (Clawson et al: 1990). It’s a realization that we all have them that helps us to deal with them. Members of staff in an organization, must be allowed to deal with perceived prejudices. It is not advisable to pretend that the problem does not exist as it becomes difficult to deal with a hidden or unperceived problem. Once the problem has been identified, then comes the process of working on your own as well as the prejudices of others in the organisation. This can be achieved through redirecting prejudiced statements by colleagues towards functional discrimination e. g. instead of lamenting how a workmate or subordinate is not achieving her objectives because she is a woman, this can be countered by a statement that shows how previously, a male colleague had also failed in a similar position to show that, gender has nothing to do with functioning in a position. For prejudices which are merely based on ignorance like â€Å"all Muslims are terrorists†, it would be helpful to team up Muslim staff members and some of the staff members who are holding on to this kind of prejudice. That way, it allows them to interact at a personal level and get the truth about Islam. If this doesn’t work, then interactions between such colleagues should either be kept to the minimum or topics of discussion should stir away from sensitive issues. I would also learn to listen to others with an open mind, not listening with an intention to respond as this is likely to attract judgmental behaviour. In a multi ethnic organisation, learning about the cultures of other countries helps us be more tolerant. People are more likely to react in a certain way because of the environments they have been brought up in. Prejudices will always exist in organisations, it would therefore helpful to encourage tolerance among employees, this can be achieved through deliberate company policy, sensitisation and clear consequences for behaviour promotes prejudice.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
When Scott Sullivan found out that Cooper was asking questions, Sullivan was â€Å"furious†with her and told her not to concern herself with financial audits (Anderson 51). Cooper and her team then made the decision to â€Å"quietly†investigate company accounting entries. The audit team made their first discoveries of fraudulent entries in May, 2002. They were able to trace fraudulent entries back to 2000. Less than a week after the Fort Worth Weekly article was printed, WorldCom accounting employee Mark Abide read the article. Having serious concerns about its revelations, Abide forwarded a copy to Glyn Smith who was on WorldCom’s internal audit staff. On May 29, 2002, WorldCom’s internal audit team, who was led by Cynthia Cooper, met to discuss an audit report as well as the Fort Worth Weekly article on Kim Emigh. During this meeting the audit team discussed â€Å"$1.4 billion that had been added to the company’s capital expenses†(Krim 5). It should also be noted that during this time, WorldCom’s external auditor, Arthur Anderson had just been indicted in the Enron scandal. Additionally, WorldCom’s CEO, Bernie Ebbers, had just resigned as large loans he received form the company had come to light sparking an investigation by the SEC. An accounting department employee, Sanjeev Sethi, at the internal audit meeting revealed that his department did not generate the $1.4 billion adjustments. The adjustments came from higher up in the organization. Cynthia Cooper and the audit team began to investigate the adjustments. Just days later, David Myers wrote multiple notes to Cooper attempting to keep Sethi from looking into capital expense reports. Cynthia Cooper confronted Betty Vinson who had processed the fraudulent entries. Vinson ackn... ...there . . . (United States of America V. Bernie J. Ebbers 2002, 27) The second piece of evidence is a memorandum the Ebbers sent on July 10, 2001, to a senior WorldCom officer requesting information concerning â€Å"those one time events that had to happen in order for us to have a chance to make out numbers†(United States of America V. Bernie J. Ebbers 2002, 27). Being that Sullivan was comfortable enough leaving Ebbers a voicemail using terms such as â€Å"one time stuff†and â€Å"junk. . . in the numbers†along with Ebbers’ own memo is enough evidence, in and of itself, to suggest Ebbers wasn’t innocent in perpetuating the fraud. Fraud Victims The fraud perpetuated by WorldCom executives casts a big shadow with wide ranging effects. The fraud has claimed numerous victims. Not only did thousands of employees lose their jobs, they lost their means to support their family. Essay -- When Scott Sullivan found out that Cooper was asking questions, Sullivan was â€Å"furious†with her and told her not to concern herself with financial audits (Anderson 51). Cooper and her team then made the decision to â€Å"quietly†investigate company accounting entries. The audit team made their first discoveries of fraudulent entries in May, 2002. They were able to trace fraudulent entries back to 2000. Less than a week after the Fort Worth Weekly article was printed, WorldCom accounting employee Mark Abide read the article. Having serious concerns about its revelations, Abide forwarded a copy to Glyn Smith who was on WorldCom’s internal audit staff. On May 29, 2002, WorldCom’s internal audit team, who was led by Cynthia Cooper, met to discuss an audit report as well as the Fort Worth Weekly article on Kim Emigh. During this meeting the audit team discussed â€Å"$1.4 billion that had been added to the company’s capital expenses†(Krim 5). It should also be noted that during this time, WorldCom’s external auditor, Arthur Anderson had just been indicted in the Enron scandal. Additionally, WorldCom’s CEO, Bernie Ebbers, had just resigned as large loans he received form the company had come to light sparking an investigation by the SEC. An accounting department employee, Sanjeev Sethi, at the internal audit meeting revealed that his department did not generate the $1.4 billion adjustments. The adjustments came from higher up in the organization. Cynthia Cooper and the audit team began to investigate the adjustments. Just days later, David Myers wrote multiple notes to Cooper attempting to keep Sethi from looking into capital expense reports. Cynthia Cooper confronted Betty Vinson who had processed the fraudulent entries. Vinson ackn... ...there . . . (United States of America V. Bernie J. Ebbers 2002, 27) The second piece of evidence is a memorandum the Ebbers sent on July 10, 2001, to a senior WorldCom officer requesting information concerning â€Å"those one time events that had to happen in order for us to have a chance to make out numbers†(United States of America V. Bernie J. Ebbers 2002, 27). Being that Sullivan was comfortable enough leaving Ebbers a voicemail using terms such as â€Å"one time stuff†and â€Å"junk. . . in the numbers†along with Ebbers’ own memo is enough evidence, in and of itself, to suggest Ebbers wasn’t innocent in perpetuating the fraud. Fraud Victims The fraud perpetuated by WorldCom executives casts a big shadow with wide ranging effects. The fraud has claimed numerous victims. Not only did thousands of employees lose their jobs, they lost their means to support their family.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Hostile Mint Case Study
Case – 1 Hostile Mint it’s probably the last place you might expect to find a hostile work environment. First of all, it’s a federal workplace. And even more surprising, it’s heavily guarded against intrusion. But the situation inside the U. S. Mint in Denver was anything but a safe place for 71 women who brought a complaint to the facility’s equal employment opportunity (EEO) officer in 2003. When the organizers of the complaint began to fear that they were the investigation targets instead of the complaints, 32 of the women decided to take the matter to the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Their contention: The Denver Mint was a hostile work environment. These allegations were the culmination of a number of incidents that had occurred over a long period of time. The Denver Mint, which opened in 1863, has 414 employees, of which 93 are women. One woman who started working at the Denver Mint in 1997 said, â€Å"She found the atmosphere completely hostile toward females. †When she filed an EEO charge claiming discrimination, she was retaliated against by having most of her job duties reassigned and being required to work at home. Events leading to the current complaint started in 2001, when another female employee who was inspecting a men’s room for cleanliness saw a loose ceiling tile, removed it, and found 40 to 50 sex magazines. Some months later, this same employee was checking for rats in an attic and found a stash of pornographic magazines. Both times she made these discoveries, she was with a male colleague. Later, she would say in a statement given to the main office of the U. S. Mint that to her knowledge no action was every taken to address the situations. Another female employee filed a claim of retaliation and sexual harassment with the facility’s EEO officer in 2000. It was 2003 before she got a hearing with the EEOC and an administrative judge ruled in favor of the Mint. However, when she filed her claims in federal court in 2005, a jury found that she â€Å"worked in an environment hostile to women and awarded her $80,000. †In 2001, the facility’s new superintendent held a women’s forum attended by the then-director of the U. S. Mint. However, the highest-ranking woman at the Denver Mintâ€â€the administrative services chief, Beverly Mandigo Milneâ€â€said, â€Å"Nothing changed. †The final straw that triggered the complaint was the demotion of the mint’s acting EEO manager in February 2003. The month after the demotion, the 71 women filed the petition alleging a hostile work environment. An individual from the San Francisco Mint was assigned to investigate; however, the women claimed that the investigation never focused on the facts, but on Milne. One of the women said, â€Å"They believed that Beverly coerced everyone into filing the petition. †That was when 32 of the women took the matter to the EEOC. Despite the filed petition, hostile situations still continued. One woman said that in 2004, a male co-worker offered to pay her for sex. Another woman said that after she returned after a short bereavement leave following her husband’s death in 2005, a male supervisor propositioned her. On March 31, 2006, the U. S. Mint and the female employees who had filed the class complaint reached a proposed settlement. The terms of the settlement included a payment of $8. 9 million for damages, fees, and costs. The joint press release of the United States Mint and Class Couns
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Effects of H-1B Visa Program on Employment and Wage in the United States Essay
The United States is the most powerful country in the world. Its dominant culture, military, and economy make it the most influential nation across the globe. The power of the US doesn’t only come from its native citizens but also from the foreigners who come to its shores every day to work and live there. These people play a very significant role in driving the US economy. A number of national programs have been developed in order to influence the influx of these people into the US. One of those programs is called the H-1B visa program. The program, which allows foreigners to work in the US, has critical effects on various sectors of American society, but especially the economy. Based on the data that have been so far collected, it is clear that the H-1B visa program, in terms of employment in the technology sector, is important in maintaining the status of the country as a leader in science and technology. However, the H-1B visa program may also have negative effects on the wage of native citizens because they would have to compete with the low wages of foreign workers. Many companies in the US needed temporary workers, so the H1 category of non-immigrants was created under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. Unlike immigrants, non-immigrants only stay in the US temporarily to accomplish a specific purpose, for instance, education or work. The current H1-B visa program of the United States was created through the Immigration Act of 1990 and the amendment of the 1952 act. The result of the amendment was a program that allows an employer to temporarily hire a foreigner to work in the US provided that he’s under the category of non-immigrants. Also, the worker must have a specialty occupation or be a fashion model with exceptional ability and merit. The law describes a â€Å"specialty occupation†as something that requires theoretical and practical application of a specialized body of knowledge. The worker must also have a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in specialties such as business, biotechnology, education, health care, medicine, and sciences. The H1-B program currently limits the number of foreign nonimmigrant workers in the US to 65,000 per year (Bartik et al. 134). H-1B’s cap has not always remained the same, however. Congress increased it to 115,000 in 1998 for fiscal years 1999 and 2000. Then in 2000, Congress increased it even further to 195,000 for the 2001 fiscal year. It was maintained during 2002 and 2003, and was slashed to 65,000 again from 2004 onward. Not all foreign workers are affected by the cap, however. The H-1B Visa Reform Act of 2004 states that foreign workers employed by institutions of government research organizations, institutions of higher education and NGOs are exempt from the cap. Also, a separate cap of 20,000 exists on petitions that are filed on behalf of foreigners with master’s or higher degrees earned in the US (Bartik et al. 135). Recently, lobbyists composed of universities and members of the technology industry are pushing for a huge increase in the annual cap of H-1B visas. They argue that H-1B visas otherwise known as â€Å"guest worker visas†serve a crucial role in driving the economy, especially in the high technology sector. According to them, there is a systemic shortage of American engineers and scientists in the country. There is a very high demand domestically for these highly skilled workers and the small supply cannot fill that gap. The only way to solve this problem therefore is through the import of foreign workers through the H-1B visa program (Hira et al. 150). These lobbyists argue that they will be forced to resort to outsourcing jobs to foreign engineers and scientists in their home countries if the H-1B cap is not increased. They also claim that the visa program actually serves as a tool for the country to gather the best and the brightest highly skilled workers in the world. This is supposedly a result that is to be expected if the cap on the H-1B visa program is increased (Hira et al. 150). There are many evidences for the advantages brought about by hiring foreign workers in the technology sector. For example, a 2008 study by the National Research Council looked at the effects of hiring H-1B workers by large US companies Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, Motorola/Freescale, Intel, and IBM. Of the five companies, IBM employed the most number of H-1B workers, granting almost 4,000 in five years. Most applications in the company stated a range of earnings of about $82,072. This was considerably bigger than the other four companies’ average minimum earnings. The researchers thought that the applications were for jobs that were not chip-related since IBM had become a software company from a hardware company (National Research Council and National Academy of Engineering 152). It is clear from the example above that foreign workers in the technology sector do indeed get attracted to the United States through H-1B visas. IBM was hiring more foreign workers than anybody else in the group, and these people were earning higher. However, there are still many â€Å"experts†that love to criticize the H-1B visa program. John McCain and Edward Kennedy defended the H-1B visa program in 2006. The two senators supported the immigration bill that passed the Senate and insisted that their bill required employers to search for workers in the US first. However, their bill actually didn’t have any of these provisions (Hira et al. 152). Indeed, it’s a common misconception that the current law instructs US companies to look for workers in the US first. Many government officials also have this incorrect belief. Senator Norman Coleman, for example, says that he supports the issuance of H-1B visas as long as a number of conditions are met. One, the employer must show that there is not enough US workers qualified for the position; two, that the employer has not laid off a US worker 90 days before or after hiring a foreign worker; three, the employer must demonstrate that they tried to hire US workers before foreign workers; and finally, that the recruitment of H-1B workers will not have adverse effects on the waves, working conditions, and job opportunities of US workers. Even then Senator Barack Obama thinks that the H-1B policy aims to exhaust all means of recruiting US workers before foreign workers. He believed that hiring H1-B workers should be a last recourse for American employers (Hira et al. 152). The truth is however, that the provisions mentioned by the two people above actually don’t exist for the majority of employers who use the H-1B visa program. Even Obama’s wish that employers should hire foreign workers as a last option is not practiced in the real world (Hira et al. 152). Also, according to market indicators, there is not enough evidence of a systemic shortage of resident engineers and scientists in the US, one of the main arguments of lobbyists for the increase in H-1B cap. Also, earnings and wage growth have been moderate and more or less the same as other professions. The unemployment rate, while it sharply increased during the dot-com bubble, has now fallen. Researchers have also supported the idea that there is little evidence of shortage in high technology jobs. Private surveys and public data are also conflicting when it comes to determining shortages. Trade surveys show there are indeed shortages, but public data indicate the opposite (Bartik et al. 137). Determining shortages in scientists and engineers is a real problem because any increase in the number of H-1B visas issued by employers alone is not indicative of a systemic shortage. Other factors contribute to perceived shortages, for example, the growing significance of foreign students in American institutions. These are foreign students who remain in the United States after they graduate to convert their student visa to a working visa. Other equally important factors include: economic growth, cyclical demand in IT industries, especially during the 1990s, and even backlogs in the application process for permanent visa. Employers today are constantly hiring H-1B workers, but that is clearly not enough reason to increase the cap on H-1B visas. Aside from the effects it will have on the wages and earnings of American workers, the increased cap will create some problems in the permanent residency part of immigration because there are already backlogs there (Bartik et al. 137). The influx of H-1B workers into the United States has been going on vigorously since the 1990s. During that time, about 30 million people were able to stay in America through nonimmigrant admissions. The fastest growing nonimmigrant admissions fall under categories where a foreigner first applies as a temporary foreign worker or student. He then tries to find a US sponsor to able to obtain the immigrant visa. Between 1992 and 1998, the number of foreign students admitted into the country with F1 visas rose from 53% to 565,00. The number of trainers and temporary workers also increased from 128% to 372,000 during that period of time (OECD 35).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Riske Vs. Reserved Essays - The Canterbury Tales, The Prioresss Tale
Riske Vs. Reserved Essays - The Canterbury Tales, The Prioresss Tale Riske Vs. Reserved Riske vs. Reserved Women in the 20th century would most likely stand out if she were to be transported back into the time of Chaucers The Canterbury Tales. Women during the 14th century were to be seen and not heard. Their rights in society as well as their role was subordinate to medieval mans. In specifically two tales of The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer expresses his opinionated views of the manners and behaviors of women during the 1300s. In the Wife of Baths Tale, Chaucer portrays an extravagant and lusty woman, where as the Prioress is well mannered with a lady like demeanor. Chaucers descriptions of the two characters clearly depict the Prioress and a better woman than the Wife of Bath according to 14th Century standards pertaining to appearance and general manners, education, and their deportment towards men. The manners and appearances Chaucer gives to each of the characters to bring them alive vary drastically. Women at this time did not posses the integrity, potency, and self-confidence to live, travel, and think independently. In the prologue Chaucer says that the Wife of Bath had thrice been to Jerusalem / . . . to Rome and also to Boulogne / St James of Compstella and Cologne (15) which shows the reader that she is not the average subservient female of Medieval society. Also, Chaucer includes that shed had five husbands, all at the church door (15) which indeed illustrates that she is not the archetypical 14th century woman due to the fact that divorce in the era of Chaucer took on a whole different meaning than in todays society where it is a regular occurrence. The Wife of Bath represents the liberal extreme in regards to female stereotypes of the Middle Ages. She contrasts with the typical medieval woman because she is equip with confidence that Chaucer exposes when saying that s he audaciously showed of her best kerchiefs on Sundays. Her radiating self-confidence intimidates men and women alike. On the other hand, the prioress as speaking daintily and naming her as madam. Her manners were well taught withal and she was pleasant and friendly in her ways, and straining / To counterfeit a courtly kind of grace (6). Clearly the ambitions of the Prioress were divergent to those of the Wife of Bath. Surely the Prioress would strongly disprove of divorce nor the idea of numerous partners. The Wife of Bath would have looked seen the Prioress as spineless given that the Prioress used to weep if she but saw a mouse / Caught in a trap (7). The Wife of Bath presumably set the trap for the mouse to begin with. Chaucer delicately, hand paints a tenuous woman Prioress while vigorously painting a robust Wife of Bath. Another aspect that separates these two diverse women is their varied educations. If these two women were to enter a bout of scholarly or book smart education, the Prioress would without a doubt outshine the Wife of Bath. However, if the two were evaluated along the lines of worldly or street smarts so to speak, the well-traveled Wife would come out on type. The Prioress encompasses the ability to speak the noble language of French, which in medieval society, places her in a superior class than the Wife of Bath, while the Wife of Baths nature of education acquires no social status. If anything, her conflicting, liberal and feministic ideals drive society away. But, even though the Prioress attended the school of Stratford-atte-Bowe, French in the Paris style she did not know (6). This small but significant detail shows that the Prioress, although well studied, is not with it on the actual happenings of the world. In spite of this nonetheless, being conversant with worldly issues do not gain you elevated social status. While The Wife of Bath did not gain popularity with her wisdom of scholarly issues, she does seem to exhume a good deal of popularity from the male society because of her attitude towards men. Following with the trend of delineation from societys ideals, the Wife of Bath sets her own standards for relationships with men. Chaucer provides no information pertaining to male relations and the Prioress leading the reader to believe no
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Assignment 1
Can sit unsupported on floor for a period of 10-15 minutes. Is able to lean forward to pick up an object while maintaining balance. Can rotate body to look sideways and reach out to grasp a suspended object or to pick up a toy from the floor. Demonstrates energetic movements of entire body while in cot, pram or bath. Is able to advance across the floor by using rolling or squirming movements. Makes attempts to crawl and is occasionally successful. Has the ability to strand by using surrounding objects as support to achieve an upright position. But is unable to lower themselves back to the floor in a controlled fashion. When supported in a standing position, can take steps using alternative feet. Demonstrates a visual awareness of people, objects and events which occur in the environment. When offered an object, they will reach out to grab it. Handles objects eagerly and inquisitively, using hands to manipulate them for examination. Pokes at small objects with index finger and uses same finger to point at objects which are out of reach. Can pick up small objects between finger and thumb in a crude ‘pincer’ hold. Can release a held object by dropping it, but is unable to set it down in a controlled manner. Correctly follows the direction of fallen objects, including those falling out of sight. Observes actions of adjacent adults, children and animals with interest for period of a few minutes. Become steady on their feet and display more controlled movements. Can carry an object such as a toy whilst walking. Can climb onto a large chair and turn to sit on it. Kneel without any support and squat to pick up an object. Begin to run steadily but cannot avoid objects. Begin to walk upstairs using a railing, putting two feet on each step. Point to objects that they recognise. Build a small tower using 3-4 blocks. Hold their own spoon when feeding themselves. Hold a pencil with their whole hand or between the thumb and the first two fingers, known as primitive tripod grasp. Can thread large beads onto lace. walks or run by self up and down steps. can stand ,walk and hop. Skilfully climbs trees. Rides a trike expertly . Able to cross arms and legs. Able to throw, catch, Bounce and kick a ball. Dance to music Able to walk on a fine line Able to stand alone on 1 foot for about 1o seconds Can stretch touch toes without moving knees. Can grip strongly with both hands. Able to hop a short distance using both feet. Jump from objects with confidence Able to run and jump avoiding objects Hop with good balance and using both feet and kick a football Able to throw and catch with accuracy Use a two wheeled bicycle with or without stabilisers Skip alternating feet Build towers with blocks high and straight Hold a pencil, write numbers or letters, write their own name May start writing simple stories Walk along bean using arms for balance Use apparatus with skill Increased stamina Use colours naturalistic (green for grass/blue for sky Draw people with features Use a large needle to sew Can ride a 2 wheeled bike quite easily Can skip, hop and run quite confidently Begin to change in appearance and experience puberty Have more control in writing Become more detailed in drawing Growth accelerates Puberty Boys voice changes Girls breast grow Appetites increase Skin may become more oily, causing problems such as acne. Emotional, Social, Behavioural and Moral Newborn– 6 months 9 months –15mts 18 Months – 3 Years 4 – 5 Years 6 – 7 Years 8 – 12 Years 13 to 19 Years New born till 1 month:- Cuddling Shows pleasure at feeding 1-3 months:- Smiles at familiar adult Forces on adult face when being feed Starting to show emotions Take pleasure in sucking Looks in direction when someone is speaking 3-6 months:- Gets pleasure from familiar routine e. g. bedtime bath time Forces on parent/carer giver when feeding Shows enjoyment when cradled Smiles at everyone in their surrounding Stay awake for pro-longed periods At this age 70% sleep through the night 6-9months:- Copies other people emotions Starts finger foods Becomes upset when parent/carer leaves room Becomes shy around strangers Begin to share toys 9-12months:- Likes to chew/suck on objects Drinks from cup with a lid Takes pleasure in making noise with toys Gets pleasure from pointing at what they want Enjoys solitary play Likes familiar adult to be close by ( make strange) Gets pleasure from music and rhyme Know what they want when feeding and at bed time May want a comforter when unsettled
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Security policy document Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Security policy document - Term Paper Example The Global Security Inc consist of three major components of security Architecture those components include; process, people and tools that have been integrated to protect the entire assets of Global Distribution Inc company. In terms of process, the company has a well structured and secure distribution channel across all its networks situated in Canada, United States and Mexico. In addition, the company has a well defined work process whereby, the organisation has various departments that have been integrated together for security purposes. Among those departments include; I.T department, finance department, Human resource department to mention just but a few. In terms of people, the organisation has employed more than three thousand and two hundred people in different departments. It has also been reported that the organisation has been experiencing continuous growth. The growth has been attributed to the technological creativity and innovation in the organisation. The number of em ployees has been increasing in order to help the organisation achieve its security goals and objectives (Schlachter, 2005). Â The Global Distribution Inc has a well organized security Architect that consist of the following components; Technology, Accessibility and Control of the border, Identification management, Validation, architectural adjustment, training, guidance before and during disaster occurrence, inclusion and exclusion. In terms of technology, Global Distribution Inc utilizes both computer software and hardware.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Community Health Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Community Health Nursing - Essay Example state of Columbia. It is the major center for researches and development. Maryland is known as third largest nexus in the field. Demographic Data Total Population 5,615,727 In Maryland, Asthma is a disease from which Maryland’s people are suffering. Asthma is a curable chronic lung disease categorized by inflammation of the excuses mucus secretion, reversible airway and constriction. This bounding of the airway outputs in decreased airflow that may cause effects of coughing, wheezing and tightness of the chest, and patient’s usually safe difficulty in breathing. Asthma attacks on both adults and children and is considered as the most common chronic disease of in early ages. In 2007, around 9.6 million (13.1%) U.S. children under 18 years had been suffered from asthma at some stage in their whole life. Approximately 6.7 million (9.1%) children recently had diagnosed with asthma. An estimated 24.4 million (11.0%) U.S. mature population have been identified with asthma dur ing their lifecycle, and around 16.2 million (7.3%) currently suffering from asthma. In the end of 2006, asthma was considered responsible for 443,600 hospitalizations countrywide (Bule & Golosinsky, 2006). In 2002, the Maryland State Legislature announced the MACP in statute. This mandate, In conjunction with the CDC funding, has published the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), and the MACP to facilitate leadership for minimizing morbidity and mortality because of asthma in Maryland, specifically for its most valuable populations. Fig 1: Current Asthma Prevalence Windshield Survey A windshield survey depends on the observation of data instead of asking direct questions from the participants. It needs to develop survey questions and getting answers of them. A windshield survey was performed in a posh area of Maryland. There were hundreds of multi story houses with a very short distance (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2000). The target audience was between the ages of 30-45 and the survey focused on their income, free access to the hospital and good medicine availability issues. The main issue was people’s income, access to medical center and ability to bear doctor’s fee. There are hundreds of popular names who expired due to improper care of themselves. Education and prevention is required in order to spend a healthy and disease free life (Pleis & Lethbridge-Cejku, 2009). PO 1). Decision making is an integral part of nursing. Quick and strong decision making skills help a lot in nursing practice. One should be capable of quick decision and an absolute of judgment for finding the best options for his patients. Clinical judgment is considered one of the vital and essential skills for nursing. In the community, as there is a very short list of people who can afford doctor’s fees and medical treatment charges. Nurses should be more accurate and fast in decision making for the community people. PO 2) Communic ation and excellent people skills are required for nursing. There are several collaborative techniques like ability to answer questions and advice; nurses spend more time with patients than a doctor. Patients are always curious to know and discuss about their disease so nurses must have ability to co-operate with them at every stage of their disease. PO 5) Accountability helps in identifying and recognizing the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Historic Fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Historic Fiction - Essay Example The story spins around the life of Edmond Dantes, starting out from the years of his youth and innocence and develops as Dantes’ life takes new turns. Dumas has chosen to start the story with feelings of hope and ambition, only to turn these feelings around as Dantes is conspired against. Eventually Dantes is sent to the Chateau d’Iif, a notorious prison that has the ability to break down even the most potent of men. The innocent Dantes is shown as trusting of his comrades but essentially he is betrayed by the very people that he chooses to trust. The image of an innocent Dantes is something that everyone in the audience can relate to. This is true since human beings have a tendency to associate themselves with innocence and to declare themselves absolvent under most circumstances. Typically, the average human being feels more sinned against than sinned by. This is something that people can associate with regardless of the age that they themselves belong to. Dumas has m anipulated this aspect of human nature adeptly in order to make the story relevant to all kinds of audiences. This aspect has been replicated in order to produce wide appeal for the story being penned. Another notable aspect of Dumas’ work is the development of the plot once Dantes is inside the dreaded Chateau d’Iif. Dantes transforms from a God fearing Christian filled with hope for justice into a godless wretch who breeds nothing but hate and revenge. The actions carried out by Dantes such as his etching out the days in prison on the walls of his cell portray Dumas’ skill of involving the audience. Dantes etches days as long as he carries some hope of justice but he stops when he realizes that justice is not about to arrive. The overall creation of this sub climax inside the story signifies a strong technique used by Dumas – he uses outwards
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Improve your paragraphs by varying the complexity of your sentences
Improve your paragraphs by varying the complexity of your sentences Exercise name: 1 Exercise type Input Copyright info Instruction In this module you will: learn about how to revise your argument through re-outlining, learn how to improve your paragraphs by varying the complexity of your sentences, learn how to eliminate wordiness review where the passive voice is appropriate, reflect on your word choice practise proofreading your text for punctuation. Module 15: Revising academic writing Exercise name: 2a Intro Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction NA Many students think of writing as a process that ends when they take the last sheet of paper out of the printer. This is not entirely true. Good writers make thorough, and, when necessary, radical revisions. There are three steps to be carried when revising your paper: Reoutlining, that is re-examining the structure of your argument Re-examining thestyle of your prose Proofreading, that is checking the check the correctness of your paper Exercise name: 2b Reoutlining Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction Reoutlining You may have begun your project with an outline. Re-outlining, that is, writing an outline on the basis of what you have written, helps you see if you have achieved your goal. Compare your two outlines, and ask yourself the following questions: Have I made the thesis or focus clear? Are the ideas and details arranged in the most effective order? Have I divided the text into appropriate segments? Have I made clear the connections between the segments? Do I use appropriate cohesive markers to relay the connection of thoughts? Do I have sufficient support, sufficient evidence for my assertions? Do I have any irrelevant information? Do I need to rewrite my introduction or conclusion? Exercise name: 2c Removing tangents Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction NA Removing tangents Every sentence in your paper should advance your argument, whether by presenting your thesis, introducing subsidiary points, explaining logical relationships between points, presenting and explaining textual evidence, or drawing conclusions. In other words, if you elaborate on an interesting idea, which does not, however, directly advance your argument, you are going off on a tangent. Tangents may be acceptable in some forms of informal writing, e.g. letters, but they are inacceptable in academic English. Here, arguments have to be linear. Anything else is a filler and should be removed. For example, in a paper on Shakespeares imagery, you would not include biographical information about his family, unless this information is directly and clearly related to your argument about Shakespeares imagery. Exercise name: 3 Removing tangents Exercise type MC V1 Copyright info NA Embedded Pop-up text included. See next page! Instruction Click on â€Å"Read Text†to view the results of a history students re-outlining of a paper on the origins of the World War One. Then, decide which entries below are tangents to the students thesis. [C] Platos political theories [] Bank failures in Germany [] French democracy vs German autocracy [C] Economic repercussions of World War I [] Naval race between Great Britain and German [C] Pre-War European Art Embedded Pop-Up Text to 3 Outline: History dissertation proposal The Origins of World War I I Introduction Thesis: World War I was started by a number of factors which had their origin in the natural rivalries between the European countries II Economic rivalries A. Grain tariffs in Germany and France B. Economic repercussions of World War One III Political rivalries A. French Democracy vs German autocracy B. Platos political theories IV Military rivalries A. The â€Å"naval race†between Great Britain and Germany B. Triple Entente vs. Triple Alliance V Pre-War European Art A. Impressionism B. Expressionism VI Conclusion war was inevitable Exercise name: 4a Re-examining at the sentence level Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction NA The overall structure of your paper is very important. So, too, is the organization at the sentence level. As you become an experienced writer, the more you will develop your own prose style, your own distinctive patterns of sentence length and structure. While you are developing your style, remember that there are two bad habits to watch out for: Too many simple subject-verb-object sentences in a row Though a few such sentences can be useful to punctuate longer ones, long strings of them tend to sound unintelligent. If you spot a long sequence of simple, short sentences, try to link sentences together by relating their ideas to one another. Spaghetti sentences At the opposite extreme, some writers write overly long and complex sentences in the belief that this is a convention of academic writing. A few very long sentences can be effective in an argument. However, if most of your prose is made up of very long sentences even if they are carefully structured your argument will be weakened. Exercise name: 4b Using the active voice over the passive voice Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction NA Using the active voice over the passive voice Study the two sentences below. Which sentence do you find to be clearer? Passive: The survey was returned by the subjects by email. Active: The subjects returned to survey by email. Most readers would prefer the second sentence as sentences written in the active voice are generally easier to understand. This is because the actor and the action are clearer. This does not mean that one should avoid writing in the passive voice entirely. The passive important when putting an emphasis on the object in a sentence or in situations where the subject is not known. For example: The subjects were observed over an eight year period. The test dogs were given three large doses of the chemical. Exercise name: 4c Avoiding impersonal â€Å"it†Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction NA Good writers avoid sentences with phrases that begin with â€Å"it†. Instead, they attempt to clarify the action and focus on actors and actions. Phrases like â€Å"It is suggested†or â€Å"It may be recalled†can often be deleted in favour of the known subject. For example: In the report it is suggested that good nutrition is the key to happiness BETTER: The report suggests that good nutrition is the key to happiness It may be recalled that this topic is discussed in Chapter 2 in greater detail. BETTER: Chapter 2 discusses this topic in greater detail. Stopped here need to replace an exercise Exercise name: 5 Sentence structure extremes Exercise type MC V1 Copyright info Instruction [] Paragraph contains too many short sentences. [] Paragraph two has too many spaghetti sentences. [C] The first sentence of paragraph 1 would be better as: â€Å"As a result of the Prime Ministers remarks, the audience, composed exclusively of diplomats, believe that this governments position would be similar to that of its predecessor †[C] The first sentence of paragraph 2 would be better as: A greenhouse is a building made out of glass where plants grows. [C] The last sentence of paragraph 1 would be better as: â€Å"The Prime Minister failed to understand the gravity of the situation. He acted as if this problem could simply be ignored.†[C] The last two sentence of paragraph 2 could be better if combined to â€Å"The retained radiation heats the earths atmosphere and keeps the planet warm.†Not a very challenging exercise, since all of the reformulated sentences are supposed to be better. Rollover Text 1 Impressions formed from the remarks of the Prime Minister, difficult enough as they were to understand, only confirmed the audience, which was composed exclusively of members of the diplomatic corps, in its belief that the government, which had only been in office for a short while, would not take a stance differing from that of the previous administration, which most of the diplomats found depressing, although they had not liked the previous government. The Prime Minster, however, failing to grasp the gravity of the situation, acted as if this problem, which will certainly accompany his administration for the duration of its term, could simply be ignored. Rollover Text 2 A greenhouse is a building where plants grow. A greenhouse has transparent glass. The glass allows the sunlight to enter, but does not allow the heat inside to escape. The same effect occurs on the earth. The earths atmosphere functions like the glass. The suns radiation passes through the atmosphere to heat the earths surface. The earths surface then produces infrared radiation. This radiation has a longer wavelength than that of sunlight. This radiation rises into the atmosphere where gases such as carbon dioxide, prevent the infrared radiation from escaping into space. These gases are called greenhouse gases. They control how much infrared radiation escapes the atmosphere. The retained radiation heats the earths atmosphere. This radiation keeps the planet warm. Exercise name: 6 Passive and active sentences Exercise type Drag to Category Correct answers in bold. Copyright info NA Instruction Drag the sentences where it would be appropriate to rewrite in an active form to the appropriate box (passive voice, active voice) [The water was poured into the test tube.] [Nuclear power plants are opposed by many voters.] [Reductions of up to 80% in heat and mass transfer coefficients were measured.] [In my department the advice on clear English has been disregarded.] [In the 19th century a fundamental belief in God was taken for granted by most people.] [A reduction in nuclear weapons was proposed by a number of states.] [Each subject was given three injections] [The rats were fed a protein-free diet for 21 days.] [Appropriate use of passive voice] [Sentence should be reformulated in the active voice] Exercise name: 7 Removing impersonal â€Å"it†and â€Å"there†Exercise type Copyright info Instruction In the text written by Giddens it is said that peer pressure among teenagers can lead to violence. [According to Giddens peer pressure among teenagers can lead to violence. This does not mean that it should be prohibited to write about or to show pictures of the celebrities in the mass media. [Writing about or showing pictures of celebrities in the mass media should not necessarily be prohibited.] It is guaranteed that there is freedom of expression in Germany. [Freedom] [of] [expression [ [is] [guaranteed] in [Germany] It certainly seems that Shakespeare intended to suggest that Macbeth was weaker than his wife. [S. certainly suggested that Macbeth was weaker than his wife.] Are we allowed to design connect it exercises where you have almost twice as many options on the right-hand side than on the left? All the other exercise types dont really work with these sentences. My first association was a missing words or text checker exericse, but that wouldnt work here. What did Jeffrey originally want the learner to do here? Exercise name: 8 Find the actor and agent Exercise type Text MC (Là ¼ckentext mit DropDown) Correct answer always bold. Copyright info NA Instruction Find the actor and action for each sentence below. Actor Action In several books it is described how Mahler screamed at the musicians in his orchestra. [books, Mahler, musicians] [describe, scream, play music] It will be beneficial for the Physics Department to expand its internet facilities as more and more communication is web-based. [Physics Department, internet, web-based] [benefit, expand, communicate] It is hoped by both parties that further delays can be avoided. [It, both parties, delay] [hope, delay, avoid] It has been decided by the government of Great Britain that it should make an approach to the World Bank with a view to the possible granting of a loan. [Great Britain, government of Great Britain, World Bank] [decide, approach, grant] It is now incumbent on the United Nations to focus its attention on tasks of the highest priority in order to achieve success within the parameters of its goal expectations. [The United Nations, tasks, goals] [focus, achieve, expect] A recommendation was made by the European Parliament that consideration be given by the Member States to a simplification of the award procedure. [recommendation, European Parliament, Member States) [recommend, consider, simplify] The foregoing table is intended to assist readers in understanding the costs and expenses that the university will bear directly or indirectly. [Table, readers, costs] [intend, assist, understand] Exercise name: 9 Reformulate the sentences Exercise type Unscramble sentences Copyright info NA Instruction Unscramble the improved version of sentences from the previous exercise [Several books] [describe] [how] [Mahler] [screamed] [at] [the] [musicians] [in] [his] [orchestra]. [The United Nations] [must] [now] [turn] [to top-priority] tasks] [in order to] [reach] [its] goals]. [This table] [describes] [the] universitys] [costs] [and] [expenses]. [The European Parliament] [recommended] [that] [the member states] [consider] [simplifying] [the award procedure]. [The Physics Department] [should] [expand] [its] [internet facilities] [to meet] [the growing need]. [Both parties] [hope] [to avoid] [further] [delays]. [Great Britains] [government] [has] [decided] [to ask] [the World Bank] [for] [a loan]. Exercise name: 10a Selecting the right words Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction NA In 1944, George Orwell came up with a number of rules for writing well. One of these rules is: â€Å"Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.†For example: The Ministry of State has reached the conclusion that it should make an application to the Federal government with a view to the possible granting of a loan Could be cut down to: The Ministry of State has concluded that it should ask the Federal government for a loan. and The experiment had to be postponed because of the unfavourable climatic conditions. Could be rewritten as: The experiment was postponed because of the bad weather. Citation: George Orwell, â€Å"Politics and the English Language†Exercise name: 10b Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction NA Finding the right word is one of the most important tasks of good writing. Use words accurately, with precision, and avoid gobbledygook and jargon. When revising, look for phrases and words that dont stand up to scrutiny. Generally speaking, it is a good rule to use the more common and simpler word if no loss in meaning is involved. For example: Stratford is the locality where Shakespeare was born. Better: Stratford is the place where Shakespeare was born. Below is a list from the â€Å"Plain English†website of simpler, more common words which may be used in place of words which may at first sound more â€Å"academic†ascertain find out axiomatic obvious endeavour try expedite hasten, speed up facilitate make easier, help formulate work out, devise, form for the reason that because locality place optimum best, greatest, most strategize plan www.plainenglish.co.uk (The â€Å"Plain English†campaign was begun by a British civil servant inspired by Orwell.) Exercise name: 10c Commas Exercise type Input Copyright info NA Instruction NA After you have done the work of reorganizing your structure and of editing your style, you need to proofread. It is very important for that first impression that you make no mistakes in spelling or punctuation. Some of the most common mistakes that can be quickly caught are commas after introductory elements and semi-colons between two complete sentences. Remember the rules: A comma is generally used after an introductory element, especially if this element is long or if the speaker would normally pause at this point in speech. Remembering what Berlin was like in spring, she looked forward to returning. When mentioning a word for the first, a comma is placed in front of any abbreviations, acronyms of that word. [Give an example, e.g. with GNP] However, a comma is misplaced if it comes between the verb and its object. This mistake is especially common before â€Å"that†Incorrect: I doubt, that she understands how to use commas correctly. Correct: I doubt that she understands how to use commas correctly. Exercise name: 11 Exercise type Text checker Copyright info NA Instruction It is axiomatic (obvious) that English has become the worlds most spoken language in science, politics and commerce. It was difficult to ascertain (find out) from the corpora whether the women use more deictic expressions than men. Berlin is the capital of Germany for the reason that (because) it was once the capital of Prussia. The optimum (best) advertising strategy is often only discovered after extensive market research. Subjects who utilize (use) †¦ the library correctly will help facilitate (speed up) your work. Adding this chemical will expedite (speed up) the reaction. Exercise name: 12 Comm
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