Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Effective Communication Skills in a Diverse Workplace Essay
As we all know diversity plays a big part in United States today, so the focus of this essay will be on effective communication skills in a diverse workplace, we’re going to find out the barriers of communication between different cultures, how important is diversity to all corporation/organization and how to improve our communication style/skills and how to become better listeners in order to avoid any lack of communication in the near future interactions. Anybody in a work environment having a good understanding of effective communication skills in a diverse workplace entails will enhance every person’s ability to experience a successful and professional work experience. Misinterpretations in the workplace can be rooted from a variety†¦show more content†¦There are so many effective way we can use to communicate in the workplace and so many languages that it becomes hard to communicate with other people. Also a person with a strong accent can cause someone who speaks the same languages to become confused and misinterpret the meaning of the whole speech. Nevertheless how and where we are raised determine both our verbal and non-verbal language. Also when a person from a different country translate something in their head like from (Spanish to English) it more likely have a different meaning, and that’s why we have to know what type of audiences we are dealing with in the workplace and on our everyday life, to become better communicators. For example, as Dominican our accent is very strong most of the time which it can cause a communication barrier and being misinterpret due to being from a diverse culture. â€Å"Being an effective communicator means interacting with people from various racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds†(Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth, Harter 2003). In today society culture seems to be biggest factor in our communication skills. With United States being as diverse as it is now, we have to learn different ways and style on how to improve our communication skills. United States is habited with so many cultures that it’s almost impossible to have a single communication without the lack of it. The impact that ethnicity has on individual behavior cannot be ignored. Every day ethnicityShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Tactile Communication On The Human Resource Manager ( Hrm )1250 Words  | 5 Pagesnonverbal communication is haptics. Haptics refers to the study of communication by touch (Anonymous, 2012). According to Anonymous, 2012, â€Å"touch is necessary for human social development, and it can be welcoming, threatening, or persuasive.†The meaning of a simple touch differs between individuals, genders, and cultures. It is important for the Human Resource Manager (HRM) to recognize these differences in order to improve communication and be effective in the workplace. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
I am malala Free Essays
Independent Reading l. Cultural Connections Mall Housefly is the protagonist, narrator, and author of I Am Mall. She is born into a religious Pakistan family in Swat during a time of women oppression. We will write a custom essay sample on I am malala or any similar topic only for you Order Now Housefly makes a point to write about her happiness and freedom before Taliban took over. Her Pakistan heritage encourages many cultural traditions including dressing conservatively. Women are instructed to show respect by wearing bursas, which covered their face and body. The role of women is to cook and care for their families, â€Å"We’d [women] be expected to cook and serve our brothers and fathers. While boys and men could roam freely about town, my mother and I could not go out without a male relative to accompany us, even if it was a five-year-old boy! This was the tradition†(26). Mall is a smart girl who had correct morals and beliefs. Her two priorities are religion and education. Mall does not agree with Taliban laws, including the emphasis of education only available for men. Mammal’s father, too, believes that such a thing was wrong. Her father and the holy Quern support her to stick up for what she believed in. She speaks on behalf of the community and those ho were afraid to speak up, â€Å"The more interviews I gave, the stronger I felt and more support we received†(141). This courage leads her to win the Noble Peace Prize. Written in her perspective, Mall uses many of her own experiences throughout the novel. â€Å"She [Amoeba] always says, ‘l have four brothers, and if I do even the slightest thing wrong they can stop me from going to school†(77). Mall explains both the history of women oppression and her own personal experiences to depict the horrible conditions in Pakistan. II. Vocabulary in Context Charisma: compelling charm that can inspire devotion in others; â€Å"Even today people elk of Mr.. Bout as a man of great charisma†(20). This word attracted me because it is in 100 Words to Make You Sound Smart. It promotes Mr.. Bathtub’s character. Chapatti: unleavened flattered made from flour and water; â€Å"My mother made our usual breakfast of sugary tea, chapattis, and fried egg†(118). This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it. It describes the food Mammal’s culture ate on a normal day. Martyr: a person who is killed because of their religious beliefs; â€Å"Some of the girls refused, saying that their teachers had taught them that to become a martyr s a glorious thing†(66). This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it. It encourages religion as the number one priority in their culture. Unexamined: Islamic soldiers; â€Å"The unexamined will find you wherever you go’ (105). I chose this word because it is an Urdu term. It describes the threat to Mammal’s father, telling him to shut down his school. Blasphemous: profound; â€Å"Muslims widely considered it blasphemous and it provoked so much outrage that it seemed people were talking of little else†(27). I chose this word because it reminded me of ‘lurid’ from 100 Words to Make You Sound Smart. It describes how angry Muslims were about the book published that was considered a parody of the Prophet’s life. Burma: a long garment that covers everything from head to toe that Muslim women wear in public; â€Å"Wearing a Burma is like walking inside big fabric shuttlecock with only a grille to see through and on hot days it’s like an oven†(37). This word attracted me because it was surrounded by similes. It describes the clothing women had to wear, supporting the idea that women do not have it easy. Aba: affectionate Urdu term meaning â€Å"father†; â€Å"Aba, I am confused. ‘ I told my father†(101). This word attracted me because ABA means father in Hebrew, too. This word describes how Mall was bilingual as sometimes she refers to her father in Urdu. Barbaric: exceedingly brutal; â€Å"If anything the Taliban became even more barbaric†(86). This word attracted me because my brother used to use it frequently in his vocabulary. This word describes how cruel and powerful the Taliban became. Commiserated: express sympathy or pity; â€Å"When I was born, people in our village commiserated with my mother and nobody congratulated my father†(1). This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it. It describes the tragedy that it was to be a girl at the time. Autonomous: having self- government; â€Å"†¦ We went with the newly created Pakistan but stayed autonomous†(13). This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it. It is used to describe the independence once Britain divided from India. Ill. Writers’ reflection: Throughout the novel, despite all of her misfortunes, Mall manages to keep a strong and optimistic attitude. Even in the hospital while she was struggling to survive, Mall does not want to seek revenge on the people that hurt her, â€Å"I didn’t even think a single bad thought about the man who shot me-?I had no thoughts of revenge-?I Just wanted to go back to Swat. I wanted to go home†(282). This quotation shows how Mall never had bad intentions. She believes that if one takes revenge for wrongdoings done to them, the fighting would go on and on, â€Å"There is no time limit†(39). Mammal’s writing is consistent in that she effectively delivered personal and emotional stories. She uses figurative language including imagery and similes to create a picture in readers’ minds to help them further understand her perspective, Our words were like the eucalyptus blossoms of spring tossed away on the wind†(142). This quotation explains how her voice was not heard right away. It took time and effort, and so will most things people speak up for. She teaches readers not to give up on what matters to them. She uses a metaphor to describe the relationship between her and her father . â€Å"†¦ L was his universe†(246). Together, they worked to get their voices heard. The diction throughout the novel is mostly informal. However, towards the end when she wins the award and meets highly respected officials, her beech becomes more formal, â€Å"l will request you all, and I will request that if you can help us in our education, so please help us†(184). Overall, I enjoyed Houseboat’s story. I think that she shared many important lessons. Reading the book in her perspective opened my eyes and made me grateful to have as much freedom as I do. It amazes me that I am the same age as Mall, for she has accomplished so much in her life. Mall Yugoslavia is an inspiration to me and an inspiration to all. How to cite I am malala, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Drama Coursework
Drama Coursework- Performance Review Essay Makwacha Hip Hopera, originally The Threepenny Opera by Bertolt Brecht is a comical and modern version of the text. The adaptation was very cleverly devised by Nanzikambe using the original version for structure and plot but taking on a modern Malawian theme. Set in our own hometown-Blantyre, the audience could easily relate to the characters and overall plot, making it enjoyable and easy to follow. The play revolves around Polly, a young British girl who falls in love at first sight with, and later secretly marries, Panga knife Mac, a highly wanted Malawian gangster and womanizer. However her Malawian parents (who adopted her) strongly disapprove of the marriage as they know of Macs criminal reputation and desperately want to get him arrested- which eventually happens. Wily Russell is using classic element of tragedy from literature and bringing them together in a modern way. The first impression that we get of Mrs Johnstone is that she is a mother so cruel who gave her baby away and has a stone in place of a heart this is so that as we go through the play our opinion of her can change. Willy Russell wants this judging of Mrs Johnstone (the main character) to take place since the narrator says; Bring her on and judge for yourself, How she came to play this part This means that the play can now act as a trial for Mrs Johnstone. Instantly we go to a contrast with the idea of Mrs Johnstone being cruel because, in the next scene she is shown as a strong, happy character who is sexier than Marilyn Monroe all the way through the play we see Mrs Johnstone being strongly compared to Marilyn Monroe, a sex icon who led a happy life but eventually died lonely, this is another hint that there is tragedy looming at the end of the play. However Marilyn Monroe died childless and since Mrs Johnstone has lots of children she might be able to avoid the lonely death that awaited Marilyn Monroe. The song about Mrs Johnstones, as well as introducing the idea of Marilyn Monroe demonstrates the importance of dancing in Mrs Johnstones life. And we went dancing, We went dancing I think that dancing in Mrs Johnstones life is a metaphor for sexual activity (which is important to her) as one of the following lines is And then of course I found that I was six weeks overdue I think that her dancing also represents her freedom as when she is pregnant she is deprived of it no more dancing. As the song progresses we find the by the age of twenty five Mrs Johnstone has, Seven hungry mouths to feed And one more nearly due (she thinks) And that her husband he walked out on me. At the end of the song we go to a scene with Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons and we see a strong contrast between the two characters. Mrs Johnstone is single while Mrs Lyons is married but her husband is Away all the time. Although Mrs Johnstone is poor and Mrs Lyons has lots o money Mrs Johnstone is the happy one because she has lots of children and she loves the bones of every one of them and they complete her life whereas Mrs Lyons cant have kids (Mrs Johnstone cant stop having them) and her husband wont adopt, A Doll'S House Argumentative EssayMr Lyons wants his own kids Not somebody elses The fact that she can not have kids makes her incomplete and she makes up for this by buying material items such as new shoes. Also, after we find out that Mrs Johnstone is expecting twins we see that Mrs Lyons is clever and manipulative enough to convince Mrs Johnstone to give up one of her babies by saying the welfare are already on to you and surely it is better to give one of your babies to me. As soon as she gets Mrs Johnstone to agree she makes her swear on the holy bible, to seal the pact. This is one of the examples of superstition, a strong theme that runs throughout the play. Other contrasts between Mrs Lyons and Mrs Johnstone are that Mrs Johnstone is forced to work while Mrs Lyons only job is that of housewife and she employs a cleaner to do the housework for her, which poses the question what does she do with all her time? she goes shopping. Mrs Lyons has great power over Mrs Johnstones life, as she is able to fire her at any time I think that it would be better if you left While Mrs Johnstone is powerless. This is ironic because as the play progresses Mrs Lyons becomes paranoid and mentally unstable Up on the hill theres a woman gone mad While Mrs Johnstone, despite being poor and working class remains mentally sound and strong. Mrs Lyons paranoia is strong enough to drive her to use a lethal looking kitchen knife to try and stab Mrs Johnstone.
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